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Прохождение Роуз

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Sburঞ Be᭷aĄW⛲ೈkthࢇougĦᐅ♘♧♔ᇋVe♟sርon ቪĉ0, ݬp⚉iἄ 1Ļ,୬200᝚♦♦♈♚ᛎ⚐y Ꮚenta₌leTⅭ⛾šapၵst♣࿍♙♗
⎮==Ġ♵ུ===ῒ====ᡀ==♦ᓜ====Ჽ=Ū=⛨==♛ ȅABLᙶ OF ₀O♌T༠NŦS ‴===ᇮ=⛽=āᆚ===Ͷ====Ⓚ⛾==Ḛ====ᘢ==ęጓ♌♑♑
ἦ1. ՜aveaඏs aᄏd CoଵdŎlǩnce⚂ౢ...∷....ᓧ..♷Ḻ.ő..ऺ...೧..♧ıȏ[00Ą0]♙♞᰽♙
2ٶł⚵alᛞthrᔦugʼn מ♏ncÉmpleᅈe).ࢁ⛔...℻.Ś.౰....ᛎ...☚....ص. [ઁ0Ŕ0]ৄ♈♝♣⛨2.1.ಓAn♜৹xamiဤatiፂŶ ♽fᾳtheĎBaůi⁼s☞.ᩀ....ʡ...ᜳ.⚛..⚧.Ċ.ź[A00߫♐♡♜ज♛
2ţ᭴. S᭬ youᮑĸcrᐉxtruᨽerŜℱs ti᧰kinᳫű D⛪᷅thiË tĢ ᕨiv♬᳤. [Aங00]ฆ♟♧♟
̤.⚿.๏Tĺe բong፛a☧dŪࣔhor᧰. Th⃒⚏Meࠋium ⁺ooŞʻ⚳...᧑...ᐍĀ.. ⓸B10 ]♉♜♠᭞
ňo༎e s⛖෼ff ৏bout▞ca⚉᪭cĨa ๯odeī a☁ő៙punᐰh caැÿ♴aۮchem߃ [Ěᨨ0⚀]♌Ѯ♘♚
೶. Apڮendॊ⛃ 3 ᚭ-şSᓡreenཞCapצures≹ pt׺ Ň..|...᱋...⛔ప.. ϺZ301ှŬ?⚁〈Roseࢭ EŬ੿es⚦.᚛...ങŖ...ྲྀ.⚳.ᖜ..Ľ.ᙻ...⚺.⚜..⌃...ၲ....ᔊ⚦őZ໩ZZ]♕┬♠♌
ℎ==ŧԷ====⋡===௾ĵ==♥ ===Õ==ŷ=᪙==⚓╮====ᯕ===ӫ==♏=Ȅ=ĵ=ᬌ====ઊ=☣=૞====Ᾱ===᫷=⚎==ᤢ===ᄻ===Ġ౰☧[0ᥢ00] ⒾČveݔ⚠s aᨄd ĵൈndolݤnce③Ŋ===ᡢ===␀==Ħ=✉===ʈ===⚻ℕ===ᅁ====ᮈ=Ġ☱᧗====༯===࿷==☍=੆===〉=Ď==ɕ=♁=⅘===Ţᬹ===⇈=♢==ᥟą==ẛ==♖♐ฃ♎
Iᖄdʼnbჷ incἢineą to ῞isp࣫nŜe⛘ᏣithìtheŰۑri⚛⃰ eveคźunͲer☘lǜssį஫ressⓍn☄ ◍ūrcu͏staሹc⚎Ũ.᪙♔♙♋ẟNeedਡess⎛☩o s␲y IℏlĈ fǿregቆ thōⅢinsΧrutaᴾłe ᇩSCI☮პbaž౥er wྦic♵▧ėypi़all⁈ h⚶rᆜldsƼ♏♓♍
ဥhe ᮒt⚋ikᛎng ಹrıefᕑ☮l ೑f tąΎse ℶ⚓cum᰻IJtsમ I'lព aĝᛲo reశist౹žhe ᡆrgeᤜtoŔ⚂៲andᤷsh a̛y♉♊ᝯ♙
♱o῿yriᚑhŁ m૾r⚧sǟ orŒړhe ⋐a⚃tiⒾāla࣡ neu୿♡sĶ҉ thaᨪ coݠ☰ern≌ itࡎelĮ ̰ithғthe ἵhef᳥ of♟࿘♟♙
Їhā u⓲te☚Dzy mĀıdan֙ -☲ ൎċllᔕallo∳ ⛁Ŷᥧer dᲱranጢŧ☾ p✂osp০ctŌrೣ⚰toᑣstakඎ clڸ⛭ms Ẵnıtࠢeir ȸortⓊless٢plo↡sĶas࠘theṚwoo♡▵ buţn arᄍōn☂ඍthem⑐ Mċṧin⚀rಷduc৑įon ᲇi☿l׍beţs╌ars☉.⚴Thॵre ǜill ᔮ⚗Ĉnᜱ majᒒsti⊣⚞proᘜe bƣuĺteޤingӈintŖ଀theۛsail௹Ŋofޒa g⚡Ůleķᇩ as♓ᆆ♚♏
⋈e ⚓m୛arkᒋon tۋi⚍ ᪶oyagᴮ toဵe☗heა. NȍrŻwi᎙⛴ t᳼ereŮ؀e aം⛆ ha᠔Ňis៕ed pᩆosĬӳwhipÔingᑺšts ͞imbἕ uĿ⛁؄r aϙbeds੬ee⚇˿likeॻaţr₩ta⚲d᥇d gආost,ᣏf⚜r᷂tİatᅭmatᘠe⚍.ŏ͖ woݩ't sጳ♤ tᅠe♖♠♠ྪ
st࿩geď ୮r d₻m th෵ liᖶhts.ᑴTŽe⑏moo☌ପ yoጨ wilᘺ s⚙ࡵ,őwiঁl b⌝ s♐şୣsoo₁ enoڀĹ♢.ሐ♊♛♠
ᩦ♏♛♜॒Sinc⏥ IJoമ☊areᏆrea ing ᣱhisᴂ łhaᲦces࿠areŋୀou ⑈ave⛄᫓ăst਽lledῲth⛔ౝ gamồ onᘟąo⚠rℒ♔♧♢̞comp⑍tğr⏸a♙reੜdy.╱If tה☯s ⎩sŏtrᨴe, ᚷ☳keŞὒanyੵotheŹĂ, ̘ou h₦veųᠥust ᒶartઉŔip⛔ิed Ⴃn♜♟♎⇆
Ŭr޼ng♱nڙ ab͐ut tӮe☗eచdŻofచthe᲻w⛬rŖᅾ.♤♛Ɲ♗
B⁃t doᇉ't Юeat ५oōr⓱elf ⊭p a੗out⛽⎥t. ◓hōreசwa☠⃠nevăɃ anıth☶nदŪyo὇ couᄾd☥ĝ໦ve d⁗ne♌ᢔ♓♝
tዂ♐prᢧventٖiʼn.⁻⛋he ⋟nd ოs haจpen௰nō rᬇghtҽnowōḮas ༚ ty☰ܚĐ aปd asߑyo♡₲readђ I லĸv♵♤ᐻ♊♓
ᘖome ᣺oıuଢ଼d⚰rs᥃and෢thatଁ⚼e ᮈeŽe ৤lwa༊♷ dŰቌmedℿthroαĞh Ὼur c⌗llĸᗔtiveဓign৞ċan♎ಹ, aჲd♜♚♍૒
Ŀoஉ f⚼r⓱her೴doom௭d⛲bɻ Ėhoĩe f˕w⚈wŲ∲ kn◫w, a⑶♜ sᖌrugg␒e Āཎ⛢fle⓰. Iṍőyouࠂre ኛucŀyᒼ♋♦♖ᡗ
yo⚌፣ll یe amᏃng⛹֛hĭ s᥂allᄾr ⛐ĥ⚜setᑶof t☬Ģ♀lڪtterढwhū᭦a⚠e ʅucc▰ńsfu⒇♊♖♥ᜋ♒
W့aĆ I©mea“ isţनwhiŢe t♥ᇈŽ gွme yఅu ♫ᐆstal׽ed ગń ⛡u≗t oႦe āo࿗e☴g⍎indiᮍg sυa⚩ o♐♣♝♈ಁ
ÿocೕ seᯥ⛠inŎ෨ourᅁplanႳź'sဌcrypԝ, Ũ♺ is Ὦlso႔Ňou☽؟onlߤ hůpỊ t♞©live࿬ I'༲ p⚁e೷eĦt஺y♍♍♞ԉ
faᘴe☾ ńᜯth ᡴhe sୟ⛚e ৒onunણruīᬻ☳s y≲u, ᫐ĥd tጘougȪ IĽsʟeakᎍwithዶmorЂ ex♎ᵮrŒeհce, ⑥y♐♏఩♌
⚱Ůᚬ ouwcomeѱŶ⛹ Ẁar f≇omœᴻs♰urỘd. ἓĀwil៻⚢"pቱayŹt⛆e gᔩ☹e",∪as ᎂuch ᗷfĪiᣨ as ⋞her๏ is♝᫉♎♏
ᣖo plڙŁ,⚤ᜬnd rࣹcoħ׫ m♜ ᯓindΙŬgs ֪e☐eḼ IĿ ⑉ou ᡅa♽t ᱎo lၖve, ޒ⛙Ŧ ޶ill ⛦o aછ⚕I♖♓ᣋ♏
☼َy cᴓndēlᅷnc♔౨.♘♘♝੿
[ᡍ000ࣕ An ᵛ⚷ŸmԓnatiᲙn oင♒the೼Bas◈cĻ♛♢ᔾ♔
ն♚♋♊ภUpŤnᒘconᐂecti᫯g wᒚth ⚃Їeųc{ient٨us⚪ࠁ, yoᬆ, tៜeĻ⛲eᜂverಳuseIJ☜ ♒iജl beؠğet♪w⚨thתa♎♡᥉♡
Ţo⁷troᵓ♦panᡋl aጫlowi gźy຾u toᏩman≁pulaᆠe y஌uł ⚂ṃ-plᦱyerŗኢ e♨⁏iron࡯ıntᤤ Y⚓u൦wiŦ᎜♑♙♒♖ճfin᱐ ⚲haᆣ yoཱུ are☒♝člלwed ┕o d⊸☃loy᠕fouᠹ ėte˒s aᶜ noŻẁxpe඿se. ᚛ĵre of♶׌heœḌ areு♓♟♚ిra⚜hᚲr l☮rge ඒa♽hᜦnes,ތandᩯo♋e ⚌s a႘pĔncᗀ⛋caᩀd.♣♙ᴙ♔
Ź⎩t's ᣁuitᴞŜposṽiblŭ tĭaੵ yo⁅ ha☮־ alᅀeadyᕴdĔ♞ሎoyed⊊somĨ o⚪ ۰hesĎ Ġte╳s♎bֆforń⍷♞♎♒ၼreadᨍ⛱g ༛Ÿis.⏆If ឵♠iĪ ڗs tᨐe caⅅe, ɮnd yࣖuŧhᛝve a᳴tivᯣted♓ᖨhe ·aėhi༜e ♮හlleś᫨theյ♣♗♊
Ⴗc☄ūġrudṖr" ᨫu⚖ċ ᯷hatἪit d߇♉plᣖys aضcžuಜ♄dowჅ, YၷU MUᬧT PʪOÿEEņ TOཎSECŬᕛON ⏃A10⛏ࡴĺOF⇰THIS၁WA☊৚THROₖGH ᴇŁM☧DṓATEᱏY.ćTৗe⛟l᎘fe o⎪ thᲽ ⚢li♒nľ ┲ser ∹⚭peࡴds oዻ itႬ⚾łnd⛘if♐ᮕ♍♕
yˇurĢᴕo-plўyerંĞas⚥৹cti᯳atĮdߔth♦ૹ devᓸce ቆn ⚻oᏆrňe᠊viro╼m♙nາ too⊒ thਾn☇yo໳rs ≋oesţዣ⛑ w⍾ll.♈↫♖♠
ႂut ᐛf noǪ,żpᕭeas♆ᣴrefါain ro⛛ᴌdīinᔚ an◪th⛌Řྠ wi⍩h thᢹċ⛎rಱxtru఑erĐᦥa☛idṂ frਐĎ♌♛♊₲
me⋙♖ly ࡄeŦlᮇyingᦈit.ᩗThisȡwil╀ ŗuyᓻus ঈome⛡ධimeȐto tદĜn☳╗thin࿥s ūሪro♺gῠ pr࿽Ģerlᑷ,☳a።d ęo԰go ᗍv☖r ờhe ᒽasic᠖⚖ŋf̙the Ϭameឪ☟efoፋe yẝuŔfiDzd yවur ĂӃft,ඟeasi↤ĵ-p₽nct⛸ᛕedŘ؂ead n ☡൴ĥ jaፋs o᎚ t⛻e᤺lio᝺.♋♟♤྿
AŁᣴ⚗enᑁione᳃Ť tၹ♌re ҵreŷ⓳our ᤠtemᯧīto ልonsዠdeū,᪮eacᡶ pl⛀ᩑing⊄a roᴙeŠ⛾ᔴ a p⒱oce˦s♌♗♍ћ
☉h␼ch aჽŖeaಾs☘toʾhaŧў a s͛♵guំįr p♐rpoᰊ☊:Ŋtၦ maᦁufacߵureᎂobjeڹtĤ ᷒ut oἒ th≓n a♒ἷ.♥♣⌺♖
Th໌Őde▙ig⚯eᖴs ĸ̚ theΟg⛒m౤ī ju୸ginᛧ ☒Ī ęhe ଦanguᣪ⛔e ·sed,ȹrĄgӤ☏d tᬙis Փroceᇲs aᵞ Ś♗♒⓷♒
s˽rt ♤ਊ aŋไhemyᎬ T♙▰Ċ maᦣ alᴃud♁ ൝o cᅘmpleᏯi⛔iዀs inᯇtđeعp⛬od߹cti╸n prඵ⚔esᱲ Ĉet∀to♕೒♙♛
p᪤esūἬt th൐mseઊĝes.ᡁButࢶfoţ⚹ᳯow,⃸the ܅ar♂⋓ty oԫ œbܩec☍sᎵyouबare ѧb☠eಝtĮ c┒eatḹ♓♤♢♉⓺☝eŰᷤins ▉uit⑊♗lim೯tedỖ♔♍♧♞ڠ♛♐♣•
ļh☘੮iteဃs iũ⛕qu☆ᙗtion८ćre൜th⚸ ਡRUŒᯋRUDEᧉ ♾a᤻āin,ᆝtreኞd★Ĉiཙhtlࡴ wit∊☡thᎊs onၿ)ū ▚⚬e♦♉ᱝ♙
T⇵TEMŕ∻ATH₂, thᩔŷAL᝱HEM⚑࣭ERũിand ∇he⚄ᢤŜE-PⓡNCHᴻD ♑AƕD. ᳖ wilෟ ⛸eᙼcrib᝞ ŀoଜ ♄heLJe♚♐ᗌ♤
dō๓iceߐ⛛worᒖŞinᵖconj⎄ncŒчon wጆth ⍿ŕch vthe:, ă♩གྷ I Ὤill ඩse☕໖he aᰄaijo᤺y ♊f⇇hav࠾ng a៩♛♉♜ॻk☳y ⊭źdeᱠat aृ⛊aĄ̽wareᓯsto೹⛔ toᝢhel◺ yůu၏undᡷrstaՈd.♌ྲྀ♤♍
⚞ۇirs⌎,Ģde℘lo♔৾allĠ⊹f tes☧ বĔje֐ts i⍗ ⚮Šӎveni⏓nt ἌŢ⛻xiɟityętoŔeⓚ♋h ⍮ther⌿ Beᯛ⚉ureĐ♑♡♠⒔nŗt ≠o bↀockŗᓣoorʼ or☥˷ŀthặays ૦it☵6themዹ YoᴱĢc⛁nఫalw᭯ysĆ"༯e♟i␭e" tᎮe dᶻm⛈ns₹oũsЂof♥♡ߧ♟
rᛘ☧msĺἰo m෱ke s᳀īce♇for ◭heŖ᱿ butɏI'd෍Ědv☴‰e aঊaiŷsఞ t⚝ُs, o∡ ev޶n ⛸xᘫeĀi᷺enti᳊g⚻wҾth tᛑe fยn⚯ti⛃n. ೓oinđẉ♾o РomesໃŞt ᄬ♾e eଭpeģהe ofช"buᾛġd gଢist᪽, Đ ᝗ommআdit♸ጓwhi᫗h ap඘eű⛺⑙ to ☓e aᎫ a♰pತemi☉mŔat߱t⛽eⒿonsėǻ, aᆘd♥onትĊyoŽ'd b৖⛸tŪ༷e adើise^♵to♚଒♑♏
ᚶave عoķ —aterٛ♞♏♉ᡒ
-ĎᛇTH⛋ ࡚RUXЙĤUDE₤ ⛃-ᨶ♟♞♌
↴♜♔♚යRĻmoᰪingᒂ♥heģ᠑id ៊ignaDċ tᦰe moᵓenļϻyour෡lifᚕňbe★ᵄmesⅇa žrỹat⛄ეhirl]ng ᩓat♬hනtĂp޸ndem↢n⚝uৄ, soሡewhᡈt♬reၴembᬂingĻ⏌⛆e Ꮤhaos౥Ŀf ጲ☡ es᝷ecĆᖳlly ᾰthnૡŸ we⊭din໻.♚♒♔෢
ŋo઴ewhe≏e,☂⌉ souќed ↝nŞ⚽eಋdelᦻberŘሚe⛺yښshatኮōrsၛc☛inȡ oĎ͹the ᰑ☸ooᇘŏ Mu໽dy ៉⛏vĒsӅock⌊♌♙♓
ግs d⋣cora∦ed,ᥕaŻd♶ᴀhen
losċᲞtr☌Ԗk ofౙĩThᦚ q⛀e඗tiīჲ "Wh▹'☛ ᰐźle ͉s tʮi⚙ę"ᐅat ᗴimesǫ☛an⃹be h᭔aťd⊉☯verىtheͺdin.ṽThiᒀ Įs ᝤow ᨆourŋሞeal▸ty.♕᜷♙♥♧හŔut Ꮗsidۯ f⚄o€ thᰊt, i޷ ⚣aỠks t◕eĮb⍯g♽nn֚ng ๚f thԃ☂pr඲cĘss৽I aɱ♿abŃ↳t tⒻ desවŊibᅥ.♈♎♑⌊
Th᭄ cĖ♢ફtdoḭn beᡇin♠቟ yes␧ Ńl጑o,☄a᯿ en᪊ity װa☓lछdśth঱ "K᧞r☃eũ⃚priֻe" i⊹☸reᢏease۞.♒♊᳟♍
ĝuႛ neḒtherჾof ҠheseߖtŘiᕬgs ☚তe a⅊l thᦵt ♜᭨lĐvaᮄt tএ t♓Ňᢨ pr⚝cess৆Ĝ☼oభmy kᕒowĉࡍd♴e.Ლ♝♉♛णMoreܶon ᖁ♱eseᔬtāiᘿgs lۍterᰢ♢♡♉♖ौ♜♊♢W
Whaℐ i⛙¡ĥeleᗵant┛is⚧tᣙe uᴨ-lid৮e⛦ ᪉ruxtᨁuŠeϴ'♨ aᙡiliᄂy toᩬ⛴is♫eĕse␲"crչ♂itž▕♚♞♦ₜdoweᑫs".˺Ąt wᇻll ⚀isĶ☤ᄲse ୷t leᦶst⚎ᗽne, ŌhħuĀh ♯ ቓuspዶct iʺ ⛟s⌆cĞpa᳁le ᚐf♾pČᐓducߖng♥♝ᑄ♒
mഘ⛓e, ෪iveŚ pĹr met๻rs Iྛm nᘟt ye⍛ ţa˞ili⛐࿠ wiࢂh. I≫ m⚺ᐆkşy-ᐏakiǑg ⚚Œᩋlog҉, thಁŬ♰♋З♡♍
d˦wel؜ rŇpᖿ☧seɍt thq unᙦ☜rve᳧ Ńiℱces ᫴f mڇtal ᰠhicᩝ Ăheḣhar᫺war⚍ᒗsto˱e emड़ģo⛫∪e♠♧♑ႆ
re࿕riŗvѬs⚿f⎽om aᗾdraቝe☟ o᧐ Ċ ᆹack,ۭ⛭nd្setsબabo᛫⚺įcaᩕvint inŵᥪ a ␵ey. ᙲŏe ᓐwo♜♓ᇺ♈
f৿llįw᪯ng♌ῇtemsҿareἈne☪dྡྷdńt▞ do ∤h☠ ᡛarviᛘg.♖ᝠ♘♑
ସ☕ TH∇ PRᑆ-PŇN℺HEDзCARD℔--♠἖♌♐
♲Ⅹt iট ŭ s✉mp⛭ᗘ syĨԞadeŪ c☵r₠Łco੔tain⊢n☤ł᡺n iṭm. ᰃĮ⚰re਄is ሁviŦe็⚆e ᣾o su᱕gesᡳ♲the௳♙♊♛ɣsąecͪfic᝺iteĝ໅it ంont☛᜷ōs ᄢs vaᎦia♠≤e frᆆm s⍽ďs⚮o᳤-to✎sełsவo☋.ᣌThe ⛯ardήI⛀de⌔lœyᶯd♊♖♑ڒ
coÃ⛎aiġᗼd a٨blueᝡŝppଽe. YᡊurŁḮmay ଜe dͣŶfe☌ኢnt.♱Itįsᰛou☳ງn't ᆺattᴦr,♻hᾶpćf΃lly.౓♘♟♋៉♟♤♚♘⇬☭dŘÅtionࣲllyᵷ⚗theỼcarё aĦ ᑎou ᰆay g‌essHis "᮳uĘcʮed"⛪൅likᳲ oneបus⚛ܺ ŕitೇ anᗝiq☭įმ♤♉♍◓compΌtinᣂţ⛥ysඕemsᇂ TĦeᮁ⛦at἟ern ⃄f h᱀♿es ᢄoŭp☋isesɟdath, wh੿ch ᇣ ņelᣬeveჾcor⛅ỿspo᫆ds♔♧╮♙
t२Ÿt⛉eᵌinsᩆruĺtጴo☿s▣for ޔreaᷙi♒g ځhō Ⴏtem ಥ♜e Ⅰard ഏont☬☌ıs.࿙ThaᲭ itāලs♡♋ⅴ♕
"pપe-pᰩũch⛰ొ" sԊggěsۧs ♛ࣺere ☄s aɚwa☀ ઩oępᄝnch ณn☷u෴-punᑼhed᭺c☰rd٠ poۯsibņூ⚵im⋀rint๿ĩg ధ♨ wiᇡh řਅe daࣼa fᅏĵ thڼ itˌm ħtŕcon⌻ain☑಴ th᝕ugh Ểož⛸Ὁchan᭕sm ៬or☐t੟is♎☷♘♛
hễğ pӉe★enᏜedšᤗtselኳ⛳ye၆ŏ♈♏♛૔
Buှ thӞ İatᎰ onᨥthe⚍ணardჼcann੸Ġ ⛦᝺ use⎢ tĥӕcr☒a೉e t≻Ŝ itیm⛇dᗏreĺt᳧y. แh⛥re▀is ಬ♋♟♧♚ជmidᬮ⚜ķmax. Tᣯat ijᄯddlૌman ᬨř t޿e to૛emĴںath⛜⋉♐♙♜ᢥ
--༁THE ὦO♼Eݲ ĈATᏉE -༵♌♖♍♤◳⚖Tī⇕s isᶢessී⛵tiaঔly ᖓheÿk׋y c␵rvinŨ maᅊhine౦ ŗtÆwil⛣ᝪcarஞe in〉o ⚝ኼuĕ cᤥuxiᴱe ☇ďॷel♐ɔ♟♞
aƏpatଜŶ⛆n Ǯf gᝉooąe⏡⛊anϨ conᎈourἘ⛏ th⑝ Ŵo႐t wh⅋ch ᔫakes╳a kᑪyŔun˳queӂ Th♀ǽ♣♘♝jinstᔍuct଼ġn⚡ ∍or ᣃhiİ ୂa♴tᖉrn aᄦe s܄p⚸liⓃděbᡐ the჻♘unᨢh caᲧd, ཱི⛆œch⇲is ጟnseŲᴯed♈ད♓♌
i໓to ᡞļe ★ℯtheɼprě-⓳ct⛪ᢏatio໖ to↳co⚻f௓gIJrᑾ itsжc♁iጐels.⁥♙♍♍ব♏♒♔♝᎔Oncࠥ⛃theߛdow‥l Ēscarᩣed, ᚮou ⏅ave ք šoӦem ⚁᢫rvi⎷g asᢢyo☄໷ įkeՏ", ߴhi⛂Ņᆠcanᘻthen፣ą⚮♈ẛ♢♖
uዃed ⏣o ĝu⍌☃oc⋅" th̿ caᠩ⚒ itᆲmťtḻrougྥ thʝ alc⚏emi୼eĥ. ޒut ሡt t⚠┝s pዐint,ṣĴ ⚝յll♓♠ł♙
dᲒveĀg˚ ⚷rᑚm myṌkey௼m⚫ki׳gŚa᭚alogϑ☦anྏ swiᨑch ⌔⛨Ža Ⓥar ᖭodeŖӚnalᷤgy. ᙰřicѫ is ឺotķ੝♉♦♡♖┻te♓؏iblyᎳstr₱nu⛣uሆ ħe②p toดm☄kᆞ, si↷ce ᡈh⚣ c᰸nce᮪ts ŅԺ⛮a ሮey a√Ž aਟ⚝ar ಿodŚửare♏⇆♑♔
೎ssenӚial♕y t☛ᶠ Ŵaᠺe—onॺ b♨⋗ng aኆuniྎuĉ⛪p೟tteṖn oĝشg★oves;ᒑŪheࣴo⛀heኤ, ņ᝚♑♊♡♎൦varܶ☟ng Ჰlacᅇ linsŀ♞Ꮨ♛♊
Ⴢ- TH⎚ A☄߱HEMIṔER ࡚ų♥♛♓ၴ
⚖Iḟ youᯗpāa᫼e⛑a ᐱruxᵅte dᅢ⛯elД šar៛ed ▼⚳ uŰἆarvᚂd, o͋Čthᓷ alcԴemČೣer's᳢sma՘ń♠♌♉ᬛ
p⚵཮esta῁,Ėiᚲs ♉o╋otiʰ armᯞw⚬lॢ ŋcaᐖ th␀ ☻oĬԷour೏ wit෵⚪a ᡍaserᬲ HŚ᛭⚾e t⏴e b๛ċ coỡe♛♘࿫♙
an↥lĿg߁. T☾ᵦs i⍽ theⓂma⛓☿işe'Ǫ wa€ o⚜į␉eadಲng tᠧŅ♚dǠta o⋪igėਧa☸lyċimp⍏Łnte⏸⚹fr≰m♛♘♧᜽
Ĉh૕ carᄎ, a´d trקnsfŰrŴinભ thᶿt d♷ᘶa iैto aᴄʼnh⚟⃫icalᳵobŠ`ct⛟♕ᩅ♧♋
ؕhouᏊh ty὘♩caދlĥ, ᯯhis♍☖s ĕᆒt dቂne w◱Ğhoổt ex℞enŅԘ, I ၵeli΢ťe.⚑ɽn u₺caČvód ♑Ჴwel♑⍓♚♏
᧋esulᝋs⚊i᪶ Ĩheᯚcreౙt♤oĭुof ເ "peሷ⛷ecᏎly gᅱneœ⛴♍ ob˯ect᣺ÿ wh͸ch ߸s į ஠eemᯄnglyⅨuse຅ess☦ڟrōeᤩ cub༡. ☾⃰ cos෺s tℸoħ⚧nᯩts ঊf bć඀l⚴ ௃ristٌŵo ༅a☘e,⅊anĨ⋑I do໰⚑otṬŔdviཽe♎♙ຮ♖
yo᪘ Żo౪wast࿵ reᦲourcਗ਼s oҶ Ņt⚻ἢTheᯜe aľឆea☏ϭ to ຼż m⑚ny⚊oᑲheě઺variʟt⛼e׌ŭof ीrisඡ,⚘Ćsਊensڦbly ⍠⚂ed្in cਥműiƜ♛tio⓶s tᦐ creটte ↾iĀfe᭿ent⚚sorźᙵ ofᄒite⛵᧕ţ wûich ⏠os♄፶bly♖₭♑♕
ᐼfferϋ ☑oℿe inᒔiţh┲ ⛩ntã thة gamȣ⛾s ⑷sŊ oᧂ th᪌♍teįᨹ "aϴchemငĀ.♡ᴧ♋♛
᝞ut q⁵ių☪थconvϴnieᢎtl♼,͇the₦eĜisԿa☛ ijxceĩྶionᰦt☠ tӍĖs.ະCreaե☔nŸ̵the ᩩtemᷪ⚻n t⑩e♔♠ና♝
prڳ-őuধchedតcarʑ co⚣ᵃs n⛚tĆin൫. ☤ᡞis İᖎ goᯖd,⚲bֆţau་e crḾa⛠ė᠆g thሎs iԏģ☜ tǜrnsའouĖ♙◳♒♏
գ⚌ beީess̉ntiaᚫ.♏♥ܞ♢
Nވą thᜫt ⚄߼u Ŧnेw tӞis⚱ ॱou ⃣an i⁎ ♾oβr ow༃ tiᆾe⚛be૞in ᥹hċ p᥹⚭ceᾓs. ĸᾓce Δ⛎u♐♔‴♞
i̎ątia↉e i᭏, Żaᯢura౑ly ☮ఋereऱis n൘ Ć⚩NJng bఌck,ᗨso⛄b᫐st ץoēbe੓p♼eᾰareĖắ Bu᫕ ⚚ou♎♉♡ćŴrobቬblyὋ⛙hĺuᤤdn'ᤆ draᒂ yoྕr feथtŭtᴀo loᑴg. ᰡs I⛐ᣉentᎿoĈedڬea☰ኴierŒᱵthi᭪ i⛆ ໿ħurᱍ♜♣♝
ማnly᭖m☥żn␍ of̠esca᷊♠.♈ⅲ♙♐
ᐆhen ₦ću'ᮍe reᔽdyŲ஁be ⛡␒epaⅤĺd tᰜ f⛬ఖloIJ he ⚾te♧s╏in ฒhe nዼx⚼ ⍱ectiଈn sᣘi☤tlᆜ.♛♣ⓜ♦
ጣ⚗10Д] ĴoⒼyouମ☋cruᏴtrưer iɔ ģiಀkingᧀ Do៹thisഅto Ⴋiĵe⚲⊖♧♉♥௳====҂==Ćᜣ==☳=ᜇ===໨ď===┣=⛀=¹==č=ئ===ࡅ=⚟==ᤜ===DŽ====῭⛟ī=⇍====ࢨ===ຉ⚹===គ===බ=Ĝ==⃯===ዱ=♘♒♡ᬑ
Tŭᮈs p☹׭t iᬒŞmis⒁in⚸ᚣfrķm՘theᫀpo♉tủonsጼof t•e☡wElkthᓪoug༠ ♇ivڐn iຕ ďhe⓴♩dvᨐntuĮᨬ, b࠽⛵ it஋ŗeeෛs thღt ŞඒCrux⎘te ᓡĿem ᎕ustসbeų☰΁cheᲿizedᓐfr⛘ᯄ theᤴPģeဋPu♇c⚃ed ဝard ∮n☬ ٪ ģerȮelsॅr☵tīࢤmus⋜ app⊍⚣r,᷺but ယotŖዸ☶ceṡari↍Ō beศpro৑otŧpɅd. ᭶he V᠀nilᯭasp♌୦tź ૪s alជo ♠┽ntio⎇ed,៌ač♾sᑊateқ beĶᷚw⚅♥ᯓ♦♣
=ʺ===௚ž===ᆋ♵==ᩮ==ł=⊦===ၛ⚝===త===ᴔ====⌞=ŷ=ࡪ====⚐===•====ၽ===Ԥ=Ā=⛄Ꭰ===ದ===ēਖ਼==⚒Т====ᆐ♒♈♖᳾ĭB10ᡐ]☤T³e űoୱg a∟d⚞Shưrt.⎱The ౻⛅Ťím toে.♊♢ᨛ♤
ₚ maាşhavᲧ beખn Ÿ ᧶it ᬘastyỷin ⚦dvi⛩ਰnŞ ೽ou nᕭt ♥⃊ bot╇er ᲮiŒ♧ ਙhe ≧rotıᘵy☼i⏻g♏♦♞≂
pr᪼ţess᛹☁IfඁI Ăp⁋red֕⛜ny ිetaპl, i✆ Ūa᜻ onlఽ to⓶opti੉izeၨyŔu♌↙chaីcesů੽f ⛊᷈rvivỰĐ.♚ₙ♞♛
A῟d⚘iᓦ yřu⏩finǯ ♔ouᛣselแ begⅦ☨ŐgჁng tᎄe aᣆ⚼encᐼ ofᑜcŗrt፠in ણnstŅ໛ctiᢜns, DŤicᇙ if♘⚥olň๽wed ⎍ou⛍≘ĸhavἧ reకul♋eॹ inᲂyour⁢d⚉m͇se, ᆽhĀnɩI☻guࡴss ␊hat ዩ⚭ke᫑ ăwoՙof ╭⛑.♑♠ᄻ♔
ĮਤtherܓiseমĒyouڈre ᯑelĸ♎᪳e.♣⍛♈♜
᪱ut ğǧe⚰fষct aஆĬeaѧs⚢to᝻beČຩhat ᤝ⚛ot᤺Ĭypi⛍g tɴ♲ řeኇnelfprit᭝ be࿾ore ႉaĄiÆg yoᣐr♔♦Ҁ♐
gŏᙵaw⛽ผ mayဘŘffῇr ⛖hϙ oĢ y op୽o⚜t෪żity—to ϼx⚸ŕcහse ᇾontr≲⚊ o⎂er y⇰uIJ ᡩ⛩w♉♜ᩀ♞
eၘvirĥᐥmen᯶, a ᣏŶac⁹ kn⛷ൎn Ťՠ The၁Me♯ղĥm. ΅lso⚐ i♄ ࡬rotḇtype⌾ ⛣iϳh onઢ Łoਏ ⛁wo⌟♦♐♊ྴ
suşᆊiciᡓ☤tlyᯐŎlbᆙit l߹osŷᙠy—hu቉anoាř anᱩ/orࢬseē⚞ધentᯚelemᑾnt⛯ሕ (li᯳iķgᬟor⛨oऄherᦋise)ჿ ⛰t⛨oĒfe②s tṘe♓cšઇnce৛to hṓ☸e ᰲll tĒisĹϫ♨plaټnedⅨőo y࿺u bᔦ aţ♡୓♙♌
ᒗppa☎пtioᶢal g஽id⚜ᩙtĊroᢣgh Ἃha⚙Ħ⍎er ۣort ℣Ŏ⛌c✁ypti᤾, ĹҎe⛆ch⃍ doᤩĞles᪑♨ak៮yoŎrģ♋♗♛ᢧchoi୑e oฯ proڃotyᨲiźg ╦lemᙨnt/⚉۪eng↿nderয়Ŝ.♧္n li࿷u Ŧ̣ t♈iಫ, yᩉŶ maో ♅eƊfoIJc૖d t᳘♐♐♓♊π⚾etᎾle fࡵr mិ⚘Ĝle൉r, ፸horŧऺgh ķxplaܩŎti⑑ns aմd Ÿ጑sid☬ķus ᘮĀsseډti⛙Ҳ oĠ ๋aw ᳢at⛀.ᐱ♞♚♘ஸ
Agaᩑn, ᩙo⚺'t⒅men♈ionďØ⛋.♞⌞♌♈
ዋf yo౜ haᛊe maᐒeıi≂ to♻ṗhe ৙ediuິ w♇ᢤhŰanᥘunmᶶle☡ħ〉d V᣺nillᭂŗ♵r⓽te, ᩀelċ൝ ⚈'vᏁ♋♋♙↫
alr᥁adyȁ⚅oveдeČ ⚒he bҨd nحws a⛩outංtħisÖ"miຐsed☹ďppo⎁tuni౶Đ"♨ᦎand ਇ wĤࡈl ⛰oἑint♲Ĥthi६ ⚵u᚜thār
sooᤵ.⛕Th⁸ugh⇇to wᥨ☂ř ؒxten⚴ thӊ⛙ acঠualᐹyũisᩔbadϮnewĴ࡭ I'Ⓚ not୆ķur☏. I☿ഒnoęᫍonlyṰth☁ࢳĚesuᱩt o߀ m⚮ ↢o-pȎayerࡻs⚴c۞rrenჺ ĉo૜f☷guాatiᲵn, wᯨ☴reɤnēth៽ spೝ♷teĆϬas ၲroto⍘ĥpeᙲ oncಾ bŢ⎿ore ᳓he ᣶Ĕpa☟⎪ureྸ aŐdḑon♑ෘ aftሉr. ୠhi☽hᤂbŲi᭽gs uῐ ☟oܗthe♛ᩓ♝♞
⃭ood ᠋⚄ws௞ whiܸh ÿత⛂tha௰ yo᧾űcanᨅstiᛠl IJr̅tot௲pe aᤶterᤠyou☻⁂dņpᙔrturጐ, ♊ᩐd saᡢvagῌ♌♘♋♦⑀ĩ⛲e៥massᶋveČ၈ ⚔ew៏rdiᣵś ex€☑riᗥncŲ ၜf hభ♔gliǫg wᢘth a⊸ īxቾositƃon-ᨗlingᇘng ឥhźn☼ዋm♐♊ỗ♦
guⅾdeŬḸso⚁l⇣ng ┡ŝ yoი ♂v⁛idĆpᓔoto⚧y⛕inᢢ wigh teህ⚌Śbേy inᎶrt ᡑ⚾ems⋧ suಯhĭasᅉa b␋assŰ૛oorᄄnock╿Ę a⋚d y⛳ᛮr ŚᏂtherύs ☿Ɓćnogᓩaphܔ c☞lۋect⊤on.♗ᱺ♝♦
ᝐA⚰tuணlly౫ Œhaૠ⚝mi᧷ht Ņ࡜ in࿫⛞res⍒Ŋng≕ If ◡ouŸ␕re sʽrucǁũby ɧhe ղpiŘ☴ڪ of⃀such໭ex⛪ѾrimeఉtĚt᝾on⚺ ᇮleaнe do᫢'♌ ૰eāitੜte ੶o♿cĶټtac⎘ me ໸⛭ou੏ it.☆♣♣♐ᘔ♡♔♑♚ὨSō,¹yes,ؾyou׏can⛆֏nhaܶcė yṜur☄☝priħᕬ inᓞth♫sൃčayᐂ butϞd♬ą⎜g soᜊaftߜĘ⚒yo┉r d⍫paŁtЙ⛊e♠Ḽ♚♑
w³ll ⍜o loḊger┾iŏduᐋe tᩄis ļ᥎ffe╡t" ♮ŽģThӰ Med஁um⛶᭽ allᝥdedᇗňo☨ ´hatԾcaŲ ઘn⚣yঐbe♕♤ָ♑
aᕙcompῢ☴shᴊdĒwiῒh o෫♗ oŴímor◡ preగŝepݖrturʙ pġḏtotyᎡing᭟Ė I♽᤮facᏘ, žeྲca⚚Ɋ♝♙♞
ߦxtrᕅpola෕e⚫tᆃeĺe ⛾re ְn☋yŕ⑊o mᖔny wఫ♙s ⛞o pr™toļ༂♄e aᗲspr╊ĩe.♘ٙ♊♗
༶Tierᢐ ijfदpro♻ᬹtypࢵng i׊ r⛞ᡯaĦio᤬ toВde☗ŧʹtur╟:♊♜♗⚼
- ـIJ⛢h ১efo႒e♉♧♧౓
ş ᧀ⛃e bཉfor╨, onై afᕝeų♡♘Ħ♗
- Ṝnl⚩ ◦ne,ᬐeith≰r⛻b░foreԭor ₓf⚖er঱♖♦♜ባ- No⃹ŋ♠♧Ổ♠
Tተose ʏcťuỂrin☀ᬱbefᎣre wᰒll⛁░fIJec᧻ thᅄ M♙Ď཮um ථhrouᕏŽ☓tᷰe keࡡneĪᅦs⚢"hὧtchᴖťg"♒⇏♗♢
߀♿oceżsģ ᱴnd y෸ur ⊖uide* i.ޟ.Ňthᑉ sp᳭ite⛹ൡThoᭇe ocḕĐr♉᷑ng aṰteı໺wi♴lߐonlឪĜaffΉc♻♉ࢸ♚♚
Tij᪟ efਓectsᓱŹhi឵ proོesœ๛has ⌧n T˚Ŧ M♸ၻiumᲝ oĩ ൖor⚬ᖭglobఏlly´ T⚍e័Iĸc⇉pispⓑe☿e᎓ are⚇♎♑♦ⓜstilᤲ☻va⊎ue tᅇ mĮᐡ♪The⁹ haᇰŷ toὧdo ᯯitġ ᵿlav⚙ringᮻthe൝for⚼ຏsĆyƌu wiᤈl ⚝⌃ruggↈe♘♝ᘳ♖
agὔĸ♫sȦ, anὅ gćᆙe⛪al։y, ᴒĽl f៛♹ce໢ aā ଗddsሓ⛉ith۰eacƃ oth᧊rŧi thiஉ re␙lm. ᠬt h௤sŽg♡⌠en ṩe sĮἁe ♗෭sigh᣸ŕin⚞o ♇hᐢ nŽ࠘ure „f☭t⊊Ē gaᔹe, ₌h♠Ņh৷agaഐn I ⌵⚇riḂe th¿oũgᕲ★extϡapoᘓatioᮡ. Wጯ Ĉppᑌar ᶻo bœ؝engᾍgin♰৑Īn ᎆnsta߳ce☉᪵f a ׶ime቏Ži♑nᎃwitᒉ aťhႉg☁l௽♈♚♊♎⎔fle⊁ibleቍ⚗etնpĪraᔙeteᏼ⚪, ŧഉd a྅seri⌌ĵ o♩ objፓctŦᙏes s৕rroᶅŏdi☧૸ anʥeqŵaᭈly☽ϣlexi᯲le♦῍♐♎
m◊t⛚oἁoĝicȏl fḖa♞eŎᏟrk.⛭Thisἄ♆raLewor⊌ sŊޗ☣s tሑ beᏎŎn a⛺ a ᣯorŞ ⏷f b഑ank ކempۂate⚧Ꮭ♥♋♛ටaĊd ᵞvol↾es♋ğằth Ћhe p⁞ă⛕eೣs' aعtiċ́s⚊ aൈd lݗŅelyۢ⛅ur╠heĩ Ⅳvolᐐ⚐s wᷘth ☭he a=dĆtᱨon♋♉ߊ♦
oߟ mo⚈ሑ hoᾚt/clͪŴn⛦᪃conn♵ctĢ্ns⛘ ԗnd ੭Įus ឆo⚸eᥬprŔt◥typऑd⛰keᅆnel෩.♞♢♕⊆
I ऽŐgrɨt to៸saľࣄI caƽ't ḍė m⛨ѫh mὺreŅsࢍec♆šic tጫan Țha☫,ֽwŨtḤout ⑥o♂s៪ly♘♜ἰ♛
e␩trap≢⛰atಳng f២rtęᵈ⚹. T਷ereᬠřre ᴶlenਝy ěfĒque๦tionয th∌t h♋ὲeįoಠcurrҝd ♄થ me,⑎♛♎♜⊐howe≥Ġ☤.⊮Quesᤥioėਛ ☺on᠚ern≑Ŋg tᴙ☋ Kᯤrnķlƅpriȴ♎, wᇶich̻I've៲rīi᢫ed i⁦pli᲌itlyી♐♟♈ޗalre༈ĵy♋ᦗsuchᷚasŤ⃥ha⚃ ཱིs t↽ž efЗe⚴t⅑ofňaቪ un᬴p⚆otથtypῙd keἯ♽ūlड़on Tᙠe Mᠮ☁iumừ OrፒaĿdo᷅blyࡗproČᅠtypᆲd keᅭĮelᔚ fo♧ضthų᳍ matẛer⚆ᕈĊnd ೢven▍mo♎eġsalᩩent ኣr⛚ ቎uestⓕoŎsṘ♌♖♑
ަ☏ouធ thĮស diḼ⛋nsiᯈŚ iڰselfᦗ Dż˥all ౭lay঒ľs wᎢrldʶwiă♡ጂmak☇ it ᑴo ⚪᧞is d⎼mʼnnᕥio⛲ Ọf♍♗ࡊ♎
tīణy s♗c⛙es൫ħulῙy coܡ⛟lŸ↼e thᚸir ౤☽parၶureᲾ OĖ Აs a◧uniq╖e "৶lank⛩ ňnնtan☔ਠ ofἃthe♚຾♞♙
▩im⚟n⛊Ďonᣳcreaᮠe⛖Đົor eᘒch ᄒŋ☭ p␷ayeྉ? Ŷ ⊚☖veȭno e֑ideΦ♸e, ЃuĖ ᎝nstiዚct Әells᜻me ʒtŋis஭cloઘer ⛯G th഼ latᲡřr⛴↦itua៎ioŪ੬ T⚣eܫe iጄĪno ᶋn⛅i⋗atČoᮡ of⑧a☢y Ღthe⒱ pla≡♚IJsᯇ♋♞♟
ḍres⍶nt Ă؉ thӛs reፑĂm.ΰAlte३atłऴns ☑ᢒ th੮ōreaᕛm ⛖᪭emŰs܈ngu☯ar♓yߪcen᰽ered⑑o☺ ᄸhe♢♕ᮨ♞
aၩtioĨ፦⚪of⇯my cᱭĪpl໲⛀er ᵆndōˠyselʯ. I═ŮI hⅯd tᅷ sēaຂe aડyth⛺ᴹg o᫲ it,ᕀIŒ⛝̊uld ଛuesᆒ♉♚♞♚ቶe⚸eᰶy se⋃ňraᒈe☾clŽenťलserv╬☔ pồłr a◩tiv⊵⛭eŋ ụts ጂwn fᙡesh׃copyึoĕ ˍn In℉ipiႥphe⛮ᬉ,♊♕ࣴ♍
orƥĉ uᔸiq☈e̓"sIJঀsionݎ,⚙iୣŎyouȳwil๢.♅ďBᜋt tøe qu߽⚫ti෺y of≻pŲaᨕ☎rs Ữs aᾔfurt᠇er ȳoĥplෞcatቸon Į⒙ich—inv⛤Ϟĸs ߢore ྠue⛇˺ionsิ♧♒♘ᨗ
It ဋe♶mপ theⓟgķmᒰ ☽asุdes᳀gnedᕍ♬o ݮuĭt ⚦wo Ņ⛛ayŴؐs mᾟst nⓕņurੌlly,៞thĘ᱀servڿr aࢂš♓♦♍ׂ
t☩␷ cliΝnĻ.┪Bu♁ ߮hroẈgh aΛm⛤s໦aĤ, ੹y cᜰ-♪lŴၔer Ḓnd IȤ♮avआ sli┵peŏᏘ♥ut Ḛf tႲŅ♤♝♞␸
obМiousṗtŅn⑨em ♗ϊranồemenယ, ⚎َdĤthခ onᡚy ⚗ĩ੡icaᏬ cou᭚Į⚔ ᕶf acᩧioń☓t♦ cᄽntiਓije♚♎ᳯ♊
pৄ⛩yin͂ Ńsஜto sᠬrin┟ a dyisyಢcŃaiྐྵ of҃ser♚ᦧr/c⌫ient൵ĵo♍ᦠectiẀnsœᵰog♧tᰚer,⋦ĉntiደ♋♓♉⊥
⛯reϰuĤa⅐ly t╁☽ cረain നs cም⛡Žle኷e. ∅heoĝticಹlly,ỎŒe ⃻ould៰coŬސlet⚆ࡔthiЌʼnchaໃn ♷⃞thŰo᱁ly ะne♗oṥherᇟplayๆr♛ ׌unctᴏoniँg⚦asԕa s౑rŶerᰬ♯o ૺy cŋẠent᪨⚐andྫྷŭheᜳclieᬞt ě᪎ my♕ྒྷ♕♙
ѕurr♶܄t cၺ-plaᦶeĦ☕ᣑ serၓer эas⛒u⇿ing᮷hŜ cᄺn☙rۀcovœ᪁ itҜ.♨♡♍া♌
Tǒķ st╶angێ⚧tģiᚈg iH tho┽gh,ᅶin oധrĜi╒stanᓳe o̵ th⛩ଁ diᘄeĉsiྚn,⛛ຳherź⍫areᬁfo⛖rტ♌♗♝ᶩōeceԁtacቸe⛆ńf̮r d⃔videḈ⛐ke⚆nels◪ ĸoᩥ☦thr໭e. ⍼oes ᗟhis⎞mŐanᅗwe ɯre Ŀԍest▪ned♓ᅧčo♞੉♌♋
h↾ve ≽ f⚉u⏡ pl๺yer ಳh⛯iʑ? Ho␁ Ĭo┛l⚂ tͯe gቶme "é♓owᆹ ŕuc′ a ፶☸inĮఁ♝♎♠಺
Peطhap☯ᄖit ⒅oes,ṛaĶ⛍ᵜif tఌis ᴝro⚅e◍ toᣝbŔ tౢe⛙cᢠse,ē≕ tr௿s♈ IẐŻilᲮ be ણ⚦fřཿcienᕶly♈Ỏ♣♋
nᦎmbeẉ to ௞hģ ୣealiๆatiᄏn. ♐᢯canᆯcŷns๠de☰޻notŔ෨ng ేbo♿t᏾ŪhiΊ gam۞ ☢ġ┗prisᗜng ໄŠ⛠th׆s pחinĿ,ᵰ☯nd⚈in fŜct ᎜⚸om ߹hĶ ሟirstȠmom઀nts ≷f pԄać, ɗt m◕nag⛭፧ toᗮdevi᪹ĭe♝ʽo♘♤♐ů
faЏ fŮoኣ ⚊yᮋexpe੅tatᏫo⛣s ᙀhŪt὚I co␩⚹le်ely ⋜orgᖫ⚃ğwh⛖t mṘ orĆይinaᠧ purᩥĖse⒟with⏰itĞ╼as.♮Ꮥ haኡĈcha༈ce♝ᴱtożt௙st ᎀom⛤ ᄌnfoߕmatiऋn☛Iᐷobta☕nedἳo☥ gῄod ᜒuĒhoᇲ♐tyᶦdurĞѼg t⇡⚖♗♌♋⌡
pr݉Ěoty⏴ingޠphĄs᥸s, ᾀut ⚈ٟ co┧pletᗗlœ☖᪓lippྐd mᴬ m☨nᆠ. IῪsŹeaᝠ,⚅tڠe gĀᖜe's̩♦♖♖
ȁ⛓taࡂđmbs‚sec௶⛞iźgᤩtheᔽdarkᴘtwiØtingఱpċtஂs toᣕnecᬘoma☒⒌y wየrĺ b┸un⚽⋣redľረntoḴra⚇hᩣŧ♥♛୦♦
Bu┶ peĢ੊apsၟyou ᬁĚn'ֻ nee⛢ tŠࡌkno⚧ᕬanyষşf tᐠis☑ᣯ♤♋♖
␮♖♤♎౎[Ğetࢌinkౄo☒gœȽiza⋳ion?࢐⚖eaҬ may֚beİ෢☫ist⛖deeໝĨlogჵrrhḷicŰsൊudgԌ. trʃm dᕍwn.☍ٰlŀhⅠ♘♞♑♑ჰIn ຢhe⛰Ť׈st ᤕew p࿭ū♑gἅaphsὢ aŁ҅ ⚒f Ӎhe ∷žxt ◷⚁om̩"Iōcᩥn cା⚋sid૛r" ଌo "kኲoİ මny oᚡ th۾s." ᗼs sਖrżc⚄ⓚoutէ♛♏♎♌៓==ĤϹ==♌=܁===◓Ŵ===⛃=⛨=≊==ď=ᇦ===܇=☎==ឮ===ѯ====Ȍ⚣ł=⋧====ṉ===૨♨===᱗===ἕ=ģ==^===᣹===Ŀὣ=♎♡Ǯ♐
[⚉⌆01]᭓Ľomeᇲst⛊ᘚf ĸb⎢ut ⍠ap⚄c९a cᕆdes ႕n☥ ᵍunchູcar᫘ ⚂lc᪏emyⓦ♦♞♐
⛹is╢anř₃ne a᝵☥uḁły r⊭adiၲ⚄ ųn็ ofڨthisᒛ? oᚡ are्tŏeḕ allஔdea⍫. i♆൅on'ৰ łno෎ i⚂ᙺ♠♥♣
ᮣnyĥ඾e beጸi☐e᷼Ŕus ឦs eമe⛣ōa݈ive᧧and ݜ⚮ayٴng tῼeċg≩⛌e oὉ ifᬵanybᠾdy Ẓvľn ᬊeal᪏y♈♤♑෪
cęᔽes wჀat⚫᣺ĸ haଘe tྉ s⛇yầ♠♣♉ೌ
ro▏e sŻན☎ i⌚shouᦕė aǐ⛪ so⑹e Ńᇯuff ᭺o t↨Ąs f؉q iר aŞyᎦhinª oc⚄ውrreႦ to EeĦ⛼ऄo i♒ᑵ♢♍
᧦uesď╙i⚑m׎doinॷĉthỒt⛡ iᤍfiŤ܃re aʁ☮thɋĎverݼ leᶒ⛌tŗiᱟ wi᥋l beၡa g⑋od rԖfžr࡬nce ᵥor♌᫇♘♧
Đ♿st⚹ϟs toହĕse␯ b⚋tᒚdaŘଙ proጞa⚃l዇Ńwonͩt r‌a⚶Ĭa᚛y o̢ thiἤ☤be⁸auseӬhš'ᬒ☾sorࡈ ofḾthis⋨whoӱpŘngӶstuїid ţᆥrse௕but☉ຬĽwhƠteveខ.♈♓҄♞
⛢i⊘finᇪlly ՙi♺uઙed oṝtĘwṮa⚃ t◺oseÿweirẘ⚻coᾟeŕ oۗ th࡬♎baŇḩ of஺capt␶Ąalᎌgue ᦧarśൺ are┑♒♏♊࠶for.቎we⛥଒ mayၨeņnᯥt ♩h≛t tਯey'r␃ ⛽LᯕAĢS ┫or,Іb♻tįᄶ wa෻ thaྃ⛼sb᧚rb h╊s Ĵ៹⛱loiԐed♌ଷ♈♞
tᤡem ᵵor a༞ łnᚿgam♿চpurုose.ࠟev♒ϡyĦca᝸tchΰ'd♶Ğᔾem ԍtamp⌥ē⛢hᒇ carẲ wĬকh⚆a ᪴niqὝĐ♣♜♏⚪
coᵪ⛼, aҋdŒaᬛgizmᚢ inᮓsburᘀ caölĒd ᾞhe ᤌunc♉VdesᖠgnixḍĴi♻ᬒ pun൚h Ł॑un⚇q࠳e pॏżterƶ ⚱fு♒♥♖
☄ođeᲜ in ௰☙ca⛪d wh௹ch ⋈☽Ždeхive፜ frģ⃵ th⇿t co௞Ľ. ầhe pᓋncč᠁d c♖ࠁd c⚌Ĵ th୛n ⛮: uŦeᵩ♧♎♗?
witᩏ ⚔t⛎er gᶟzmo▢ ⚠o ೝuplඓcatśੜ☵heՑitemᒱÿndޜ⚽r cᘧmbĺԖe itᖔwit⛥Żano⍃her∆itŹm߆♝♞♥҇
i Uot♂ı࣫ thᥢnkinȳŌ♵bᛃut t⚖isūᦄn⚂ wth มő amç☹inᄫ hşc┗er ᶸ⚈ill⓼ i ωotic౶dŰaᴫtrenඣ.♑♔≺♈
t⚧᷹ hoᣓe paĮńe☈ᥧ is በasăݠ o⛈ ദ fa◃ħly စi⚌p⏂e ůi≯her˪ ⚻onјert♩ng tრ⚙Ģc෬ptch√ co᥯⚢ toঁ♧♣♔ᇤbinaċň aᡁd thᠿn ĺ᱒e b♟সaryࢺĄatt⛇rn⚻ѕs Ĺuሐche₾, ☙hવre ࡅ is ෼ ♼uᇗched὎holᛕ,⛥anʅ 0 ἇsŕanᡓ♑np)nchŃ slⅻ♛.♈♡ၯ♣
sᅴ, u๺m..☕⅙hōrƺ's t⃣e ⚶☛ble ᜟustྚtŋ⛟b໧ cl᝖ar.ŭₑ♋♥♊↨0☾>0⍇ 1-⌅Ĺ, 2ᚳ☖2,☠3-Ě3᠖ 4-߹⚲, 5ᇑ>5,ᒯ6->6᭽ ʼn-ℿ7, 8െ>8,ᶡ9->9౜♏♍♣஋♎♝♍♤៽A->ᴳĭ,♎BT>11═ CIJ>୑2⛚ ہ->13Ԃ E-װ1⚞, Ἦ-Ĝ1Ǥ, G-ࠛ⚱6,˙H->1Უ, Iᢒ☈Ā8,∢J->ؖ9,♣♥౲♙
Œԑ>20,ಈL->Ὧě, ⛹⊯>22ူ Nŭ>⇓3,♜⃡->24׽ P-భ25⛥ ᡼-Ķ2᝺, R-ᕦ2⚀,ᯨS->2℮, T˖>⚧9,ၮ♉♈♙ҠU->3⏉, Ć



Вторая версия.

Sburb BetaĄW⛲lkthrougĦ♟♘♧♔
Ve♟sion 1ĉ0, Ap⚉il 1Ļ, 2009♦♦♈♚
⚐y ĹentacleTh⛾šapist♣♦♙♗
===Ġ♵=========Ĕ==♦=======Ū====♛ TABLŊ OF CO♌TENŦS ======⛽=ā==========⛾==========ę♓♌♑♑
♓1. Caveaŗs a⛽d CondŎlence⚂....Ĵ.......♷..ő.........♧ı [0000]♙♞♤♙
2.ł⚵alkthrougʼn (♏ncompleŝe)..⛔.....Ś......☰...ũ...... [☤0Ŕ0]♤♈♝♣
2.1. An♜ExaminatioŶ ♽f the Baůics☞......ŏ.....⚛....Ċ. [A000♐♡♜♦♛
2ţ2. So you♄ĸcruxtruderŜ⛦s tickingű D⛪ this tĢ liv♬.. [Aī00]♖♟♧♟
2.⚿. Tĺe Long a☧dŪShort. The⚏Medium tooŞ.⚳........Ā.. ☆B100]♉♜♠♋
ňome s⛖uff şbout ca⚉tcĨa codes a☁ő punch carÿ♴alchemy [Ě00⚀]♌♉♘♚
C. Apijendi⛃ 3 --şScreen♩CapĠures, pt⚸ Ň..........⛔... [Z301]Ŭ?⚁ Rose: EŬres⚦......Ŗ.....⚳....Ľ.......⚜..Ģ.........⚦őZZZZ]♕♝♠♌
===ŧ⛋=========ĵ==♥=======ŷ====⚓=====Ţ======♏===ĵ========☣=ĵ==========⚎==========Ġ=☧[0000] CČvea⚠s and ĵondol♡ncesŊ=======☢==Ħ=========⚻ď==========Ġ☱=========ā==☍=======Ď====♁=====Ţ======♢===ą=====♖♐♎♎
I⛳dʼnbe incline♎ to dispenŜe⛘with theŰtri⚛e evenźunder☘lessįpressin☄ cūrcumstanc⚎Ũ.♉♔♙♋
NeedlessŜ☩o say I'lĈ f⚵rego thō ins♕rutabłe ASCI☮ bažner whic♵ ėypically h⚶ralds♡♏♓♍
the Ļt⚋iking frıefa☮l of tąese d⚓cumeIJts. I'l⛫ aĝso resist⚇žhe urge toŔ⚂randish aăy♉♊♌♙
♱opyrighŁ mar⚧s, orŒthe pa⚃ticālar neur♡sĶs that con☰erns itselĮ ⛍ith the ŷhef⚈ of♟♑♟♙
thā utte☚ly mĀndane -☲ Iċll allow ⛁Ŷher derangŧ☾ prospectŌrs⚰to stakŕ cla⛭ms onıtheir ☛ortĢless plo♺sĶas the woo♡s burn aroōn☂ them. Mċ in⚀roductįon wi☿l beţsparse.⚴ThŻre will b⚗Ĉno majestiŏ⚞prose bluĺte⚅ing intŖ the♏sailsŊof a g⚡lleķn as♓♓♚♏
we ⚓mŦark on thi⚍ voyage toře☗her. NorŻwil⛴ thereŮbe an⛆ hamŇisted p☁osĬ whipping⛮šts limbs uĿ⛁er a bedsāee⚇ like aţreta⚲ded gňost, f⚜r tİat matte⚍.ŏI won't se♤ the♖♠♠♔
stageď ☽r dim thIJ li☂hts. TŽe moo☌, yoĈ will s⚙e,őwill be s♐ş soon enouĹ♢.♦♊♛♠
Since IJou☊are reaĿing ⚊his, łhances⛪areŋyou have⛄iăstalled th⛔s game on ąo⚠r♍♔♧♢
computğr a♙ready.ņIf th☯s isŏtrue, l☳keŞmany othe⚅Ă, you haveų☧ust partiŔip⛔ted in♜♟♎♢
Ŭring♱ng abĪut the☗endŻof the w⛬rŖd.♤♛♑♗
But do⛨'t beat yoōr⚓elf up aŁout⛽it. Thōre wa☠ nevăr anyth☶ngŪyou could☥ĝave done♌♤♓♝
tĈ♐prevent iʼn. ⛋he end čs ha☩peninō right⚺nowō as I ty☰eĐ and as yo♡ read. I hĸv♵♤♗♊♓
come toıund⚰rstandžthat ⚼e weŽe alway♷ dŰomed thro⛴Ğh our collĸ☛tive ignoċan♎e, and♜♚♍♘
Ŀow f⚼rtherĵdoomed⛲by Ėhose few⚈wŲo know, an♜ struggle Āo⛢flee. Ifőyou⚌re lucŀy,♋♦♖♥
yo⚌'ll ăe among⛹thĭ smaller ⛐ĥbset of thĢ♀latter whū a⚠e succeńsful♊♖♥♕♒
WhaĆ I mea⛓ isţ while t♥aŽ game you ♫nstalled iń ⛡ust one āore☴grindiĴg sla⚩ of♣♝♈♦
ÿock sea⛠inŎ our plan♪ź's crypt, Ũ⛔ is also Ňou☽ only hůpe t♞ liveħ I'm p⚁eseĦtly♍♍♞♞
face☾ ńith the sa⛚e conundruī ☳s you, aĥd t☴ough IĽspeak⛒withĴmore ex♎erŒence, my♐♏♛♌
⚱Ůn outcome Ŷ⛹ far fromœas♰ured. IĀwill⚢"playŹthe ga☹e",Ŭas much ⚡fĪit as ther♕ is♝♙♎♏
to plaŁ,⚤and recoħd m♜ findiŬgs he☐e. IĿ you wa♽t đo live, y⛙Ŧ will do aŃ⚕I♖♓♒♏
☼My condēlenc♔s.♘♘♝♘
[ŋ000] An E⚷Ÿmination oų♒the BasicĻ♛♢♡♔
UpŤn con⚛ectiĚg with ⚃heųclient us⚪ı, you, theĻ⛲erver useIJ, ♒ill be ğet w⚨th a♎♡♈♡
Ţontrol♦panņl allowi☏gźyou to man⚘pulate youł ⚂o-playerŗs e♨vironmınt. Y⚓u wiŦl♑♙♒♖
find ⚲haĖ you are ♝člowed to dÿ☃loy four ėte♪s at noŻexpe⛍se. Tĵree of♶theœe are♗♓♟♚
ra⚜hŔr large ma♽hines, andĖo♋e is a pĔnch⛋card.♣♙♏♔
ŹIt's ♢uiteŜpossibl♉ tĭat you ha☮Ÿ already dĔ♞loyed somş o⚪ these Ġtems♎beforń♜♞♎♒
readi⛱g tŸis. If t♠iĪ is the ca♹e, and youŧh☦ve activĻted♓the maėhine ♮alleś the♏♣♗♊
"c☄uxġruder" su⚖ċ that it dĂ♉plays a cžun♄down, YijU MU⚦T PROÿEED TO♘SECŬION [A10⛏]ĺOF THIS WA☊KTHROUGH IŁM☧DIATELY.ćThe⛟life oĢ the ⚢lienľ user d⚭peļds on it,⚾łnd if♐♠♍♕
yourĢ⛴o-player Ğas⚥activatĮd th♦s devěce in ⚻ourňenvironm♙nň too, then☇yours doesţa⛑ well.♈♖♖♠
ŝut ☺f not,żpleas♆ refĩain fro⛛ dīing anyth⛌Řg with theċ⛎ruxtruderĐ a☛ide froĎ♌♛♊♦
mer♖ly deŦloying♵it.ĿThis wil⚅ ŗuy us some⛡time to thĜn☳ things ūhro♺gh proĢerly,☳and ęo go ov☖r Āhe basics⚖ŋf the gameĈ☟efore youŔfi♨d your Ăoft,♡easilĵ-punct⛸redŘhead in ☡hĥ jaws of t⛻e lion.♋♟♤♢
AŁ ⚗entionedŤ th♌re areŷfour ⛣temsīto cons⚕deū, each pl⛀Żing a roleŠ⛾n a proceğs♌♗♍♚
☉hich apŖears☘to haŧe a si♵gulįr purpos☊:Ŋto manufac⛟ure objectĤ ♚ut of thŗn a♒r.♥♣♈♖
TheŐdesig⚯ers ĸf the g⛒meī judging ☒Ī the languŘ⛔e used, rĄga☏d this űroce☿s as Ś♗♒♙♒
sort ♤f aŋchemy. T♙iĊ may allud♁ to compleĭi⛔ies in tđe p⛬oductiġn pro⚔ess Ĉet to♕♌♙♛
p☐esūnt themse⛳ĝes. But foţ⚹now, the Ćar♂ety of œbjec☍s youŇare ab☠e tĮ create♓♤♢♉
☝eŰains quite♗limited.♔♍♧♞
ļh☘ items iũ qu☆stion ćre th⚸ CRUŒTRUDER ♾agāin, tread★Ĉightly witĮ☡this one)ū t⚬e♦♉♟♙
TOTEMŕLATH☩, theŷALCHEM⚑TERũ and the⚄PŜE-PUNCHED ♑ARD. I wilŭ ⛸escribe ŀow ♄hese♚♐♦♤
dōvices⛛workŞin conj♰ncŒion with ⛋ŕch other, ă♩d I will ğse☕the anaijogy ♊f havşng a♡♛♉♜
k☳y mźde at a ⛊aĄdware stor⛔ to help yůu♫understaĹd.♌♊♤♍
⚞First,Ģdeplo♔ allĠof thes☧ oĔjects in ⚮Šnvenient pŢ⛻ximity toŔea♋h otherŕ Be ⚉ure♠♑♡♠
nŗt to b♈ockŗdoors or☥pŀthways wit☵ them. YouĢc⛁n alwaysĆ"re♟ise" tŨe dim⛈nsioũs of♥♡♚♟
ro☧msĺto make s⚘īce for theŖ⛷ but I'd Ědv☴se agaiŷst t⚝is, oŎ even ⛸xpeĀimenting⚻wŭth the fun⚯tion. Doinđ ♾o comes Şt t♾e expeģse of♫"buiġd grist⚺, Đ commodit♸Śwhich appeű⛺s to be aŖ a♰premiumŔat t⛽e onsėt, and♥oneĊyou'd be⛸tŪbe advised♵to♚♥♑♏
save foķ ☥ater.♞♏♉♓
RĻmoving ♥heģlid signa♵ċ the momenļ☼your lifeňbe★omes a žreat⛄whirlŶng bat♬hitĂpandemon⚝uŵ, somewhat♬resemblingĻt⛆e chaos Ŀf a☡ especĆally ☢thniŸ weddin⚂.♚♒♔♜
ŋomewhere,☂ė soused unŞ⚽e deliberŘte⛺y shattōrs c☛ina oĎ the f☸oorŏ Muddy l⛏vĒstock♈♌♙♓
is d⚉corated, aŻd♶then losċ tr☌ck of.ĩThe q⛀estiīn "Who'☛ mźle is thi⚙ę" at timesĵ☛an be heaťd ☯ver thełdin.⛯This Įs now ⛦ourŋreality.♕♕♙♥♧
Ŕut aside f⚄om that, iŔ ⚣arks theĮbeg♽nning ŏf the☂procĘss I am♿abŃut to des⚮Ŋibe.♈♎♑♈
The cĖ♢ntdown beŰin♠, yes. Ńlso,☄an enĠity ca☓ledśthe "Ker☃eũsprite" is☸released.♒♊♕♍
ĝu⛱ neitherĎof ⛴hese tŘings ☚re aģl that ♜elĐvant to t♓Ňs process,Ĝ☼o my knowĉed♴e.♊♝♉♛
MoreĴon t♱ese tāings l⚠terď♢♡♉♖
What i⛙ ĥelevant is⚧the un-lidže⛦ cruxtruŠer'♨ abiliņy to ⛴ispeĕse "cru♂itž♓♚♞♦
dowels".⚖Ąt will disĶ☤nse at leűst⚎one, thħugh ♯ suspăct it ⛟s cĞpable of♾pČoducing♥♝♏♒
mo⛓e, given pĹr⚰meters IĖm n⚳t yet ţamili⛐r wiŽh. In m⚺ kşy-making ⚚Œalogy, theŬ♰♋♚♡♍
dowels rŇpr☧sent thŵ unc☜rved Ńieces ☫f mőtal whic☂ Ăhe hardwar⚍ store empģo⛫ee♠♧♑♓
retriŗves⚿from aōdrawe☟ or Ċ rack, ⛭ndısets abou⚺įcarving inŵ☲ a key. Tŏe ☘wo♜♓♕♈
follįwing♌itemsġare ne☪dedńto do th☠ Ĥarving.♖♓♘♑
♲It is ŭ simp⛭e syĨladex c☵rdŁcontainin☤łan item. TĮ⚰re is eviŦen⚆e to suįgest♲the♒♙♊♛
sąecific♀iteĝ it cont☛iōs is varia♠le from seďs⚮on-to-sełsio☋. The Ļard I⛀deplœyed♊♖♑♚
con⛎aiġed a blue⛔ŝpple. YourŁ♼may be diŶfe☌ent. Itįshou☳dn't Čatter,♻hopćfully.♘♘♟♋
☭dŘitionally,⚗the card aĦ ☁ou may gŖess⛪is "puĘched"⛪ likć one us⚛d ŕith antiq☭į♏♤♉♍
computingţ⛥ystems. TĦe ⛦attern Ēf ho♿es coŭprises☓datź, which ☸ ņelieve cor⛅esponds♔♧♗♙
toŸt⛉e instruĺtio☿s for Ūreati♒g thō item t♜e Ÿard conta☌ıs. That itā♌s♡♋♉♕
"pre-puũch⛰d" suggěsts ♛here Ļs a wa☀ toępunch an☷uš-punched c☰rd, possibņy⚵imprintiĩg i♨ with řhe da♇a foĵ the it⛱m ħt contain☑Ğ though nož⛸echanism ŝor☐this♎♎♘♛
hağ pre★entedšitself⛳yetŏ♈♏♛♠
But th⛐ İata on the⚍card cannoĠ ⛦e used tĥ cr☒ate thŜ item⛇direĺtly. Th⛥reŝis a♋♟♧♚
midd⚜ķman. That ij♭ddleman iř t☥e totemĴlath⛜.♐♙♜♡
⚖Tīis is esse⛵tially theÿk♿y carvinį ma♑hine. ŗt wil⛣ carĎe into ⚝ouĕ cruxite ☇ďwel♐♢♟♞
a pattŶ⛆n of grooąes⛊and conđours⛏ the Ŵort wh⚉ch Śakes a k♽yŔunique. Th♀♖♣♘♝
instructiġn⚡ for thiİ pa♴tern aňe sup⚸lieděby the ♘unœh card, w⛆œch is inseŲ♠ed♈♙♓♌
into tļe ★athe prě-act⛪vatioŶ to co⚻figIJre its c♁iĨels.♗♙♍♍
Once⛃the dowel Ēs⚓carved, ĉou ⛲ave a šotem ⚁erviņg as yo☄r įkey", whi⛂Ņ can then ą⚮♈♛♢♖
used to ĝun☃ock" thŴ car⚒ itemťthroug☽ thĂ alchemi⚽eĥ. But at t⚠is point, Ĵ ⚝ill♓♠♙♙
diveĀge ⚷rom myžkey-m⚫kingŚanalogy☦anČ switch t⛨Ža bar codeŖ⛱nalogy. Wřic⚣ is notķa♉♦♡♖
te♓riblyŪstrenu⛣us ħeap to m☄kÿ, since th⚣ concepts Ņf⛮a key anŽ a ⚝ar codŚ are♏♐♑♔
☱ssenũially t☛e Ŵame—one b♨Űng a uniquĉ⛪pattern oĝ g★ooves; Ūhe o⛀her, ņf♑♊♡♎
vary☟ng Ĥlack lin⚹sŀ♞♠♛♊
-- THE A☄CHEMITER -ų♥♛♓♑
⚖If you pāace⛑a cruxũte do⛯el, šarved o⚳ uŰcarved, o⛸Čthe alchemČ☲er's smalń♠♌♉♘
p⚵destal,Ėits ♉obotiĆ arm w⚬ll ŋcan the ☻oĬtours with⚪a laser. HŚn⚾e the baċ co⛃e♛♘♒♙
analĿgy. T☾is iļ the ma⛓hişe's way o⚜įreading thŅ♚data origėna☸ly imprŁnted⚹from♛♘♧♠
Ĉhe car♀, aĦd transf⛭rŴing that d♷ta into a ʼnh⚟sical obŠect⛟♕♟♧♋
Thouşh typ♩callĥ, this ☖s ĕot done w☭Ğhout expenŅ☜, I belieťe.⚑An uncaČved ♑owel♑♐♚♏
ÿesults⚊in Ĩhe creat♤oĭ of a "per⛷ectly geneœi♍ object"ÿ wh☷ch is į seem⛴nglyĺuseless☦grōen cube. ☾Ħ costs twoħ⚧nits of bćil⚴ grist ŵo ma☘e, anĨ I do ⚑ot Ŕdvise♎♙♔♖
yo⛲ Żo waste re⛅ources on Ņt⚻ There aľpea☏s to bż many⚊otheě variet⛼esŭof grist,⚘Ćstensibly ć⚂ed in coműin♛tions tī cre☜te diĀferent♉sorźs of ite⛵sţ which pos♄ibly♖♍♑♕
offerŸ ☑ome insiţht ⛩nto thľ game⛾s usŊ of the♍teįm "alchem⛱Ā.♡♝♋♛
But quių☪ convenieătl♼, thereĜis a☛ exceĩtion t☠ thĖs. Creat☔nŸ the item ⚻n the♔♠♐♝
pre-őu☡ched carķ co⚣ts notĆing. ☤his İs good,⚲beţause crea⛠ėng this itģ☜ turns ouĖ♙♌♒♏
t⚌ be essĔntia⛺.♏♥♢♢
Noą that ⚄ou Ŧnow this⚱ ėou can in ♾our own tiŝe⚛begin thċ pr⚭cess. ĸnce y⛎u♐♔♓♞
inątiate i☧, Żaturally ☮Ŀere is no Ć⚩ing back,ħso⛄best toēbe p♼epareĖ. But ⚚ou♌♎♉♡
Ŵrobably ⛙hĺuldn't dra⚛ your feetŭt♡o long. ćs I⛐mentioĈed ea☰lierŒ this i⛆ yħur♧♜♣♝
only m☥żns of escaŴ♠.♈♔♙♐
When yću'⛷e readyŲ be ⛡reparĺd to f⛬lloIJ the ste♧sŕin the nex⚼ section sŃi☤tly.♛♣♖♦
[⚗100] Ĵo your☋cruĐtruder i⚛ ģicking. Do☚this to liĵe⚲♈♧♉♥
Tŭis p☹rt isŞmissin⚸ frķm the po♉tűons of the☡walkthrougĹ ♇iven in ďhe ♩dventuĮe, bu⛵ it ŗeems th⛢t Ş Cruxite ⚏Ŀem must beų☰lchemizedŠfr⛘m the Pģe-Pu♇ched ėard an☬ a ģernelspr☵tī must appe⚣r, but notŖn☶cessarilŌ be⛦prototŧped. ☇he VĢnillasp♌itź is also ♠đntioned, ač♾stated beĶow⚅♥♚♦♣
ĭB100]☤The űong and⚞Shčrt. The M⛅Ťium too.♊♢♔♤
I mayşhav⚉ been Ÿ bit ☰astyŢin advi⛩inŞ you not ♥Ű bother wiŒ♧ the protıty☼ing♏♦♞♜
proţess.☁If I Ăpared ⛜ny ūetail, i♦ Ūas only to☥optimize yŔu♌ chancesůof ⛊urvivaĐ.♚♧♞♛
And⚘if yřu find ♔ouĻself begr☨Őging the aŇ⚼ence of cŗrt⛧in instŅucti⛡ns, wŤich if♘folňowed wou⛍dĸhave resul♋ed in yourŴd⚉mise, thĀn I☻guess Đhat m⚭kes ăwo of u⛑.♑♠♏♔
ĮOtherwise☵Ēyou're welĸ♎me.♣♈♈♜
But ğhe⚰fact apĬears⚢to beČthat p⚛otoĬyping th♲ řernelsprit⚞ before maĄi⚙g your♔♦♠♐
gŏtaw⛽y may Řffer ⛖he oĢly oppo⚜tużity to ex⚸ŕcise contrĥ⚊ over youIJ n⛩w♉♜♈♞
envirĥnmen⛯, a pŶace kn⛷wn Ťs The Me♯iĥm. Also, i♄ prototypeļ ⛣ith one Łor ⛁wo)♦♐♊♥
suşficie☤tly—Ŏlbeit l⛭osŷly—humano⚓ř and/or seē⚞ient elemęnt⛯s (liviķg or⛨otherĪise), ⛰t oĒfers the♓cšance to ha☸e all thisĹe♨plained őo y⚾u by aţ♡♟♙♌
appa☎itioũal guid⚜ tĊrough wha⚙Ħver sort oŎ⛌cryptic, Ĺke⛆chy douĞlesp♨ak yoŎr♢♋♗♛
choi♮e oŗ prototy♅iźg element/⚉ engender/Ŝ.♧In lieu Ŧf t♈is, yoŶ may ♅e foIJced to♐♐♓♊
⚾etěle for my⚘Ĝlear, thorŧ⛮gh explanŎti⚓ns and Ÿssid☬ous dĀssecti⛙n oĠ raw dat⛀.Ŵ♞♚♘♠
Again, do⚺'t mentionďi⛋.♞♢♌♈
If yoŘ ha☀e madeıit to♻The ůedium w♇thŰan unmole☡ħed Vanillaŗ♵rite, welċ, ⚈'ve♋♋♙♦
alrġady ⚅overeČ the b☶d nļws about⛚tħis "missed☹opportunitĐ"♨ and I wĤll ⛰o intoĤthis ⚵urthār soon.⛕ThŖugh to wh☂ř extent thń⛙ actuallyũis⚺bad newĴ, I'⛪ not ķure. I☿knoę only th☁ Ěesult of m⚮ co-playerįs⚴current ĉonf☷guratiŴn, wh☴reinēthe spr♷teĆwas proto☡ĥped once bŢ⛒ore the dĔpa☟ture, aŐd on♑e aftŁr. Whi☽h bŲings us ☟oĸthe♛♚♝♞
good n⚄ws, which ÿs⛂that youűcan⚄still IJrotot⛾pe aĻter you☻ dņparture, ♊Şd salvage♌♘♋♦
ĩ⛲e massiveČy ⚔ewardinś exp☑riencŲ of ha♔gliĜg with a♃ īxposition-☪linging phźn☼om♐♊♕♦
guideŬ so⚁long aŝ you ♂voidĆprototy⛕inŜ with ter⚌Śbly inert Ļ⚾ems, suchĭas⚞a brassŰdoor⚦nockeĘ and y⛳ur Śather's ☿oćnography c☞llection.♗♊♝♦
ijA⚰tually, Œhat⚝might Ņe int⛞restŊng. If ⚙ouŸare struc⚢ũby the spiŘ☴t of suchųex⛪erimentĚtion⚺ pleaŦe don'♌ heāitate to♿cĶntact me a⛭out it.♥♣♣♐
Sō,⛃yes, youįcan⛆enhancė your☄spriħe in th♫s čay, but d♬ąng so afteĘ⚒your depaŁtu⛊e♠♧♚♑
will Şo lo☰ger iŏduce t☣is ļeffect" ♮nģThe Medium⛶I alluded ňo☨ That caŲ on⚣y be♕♤♧♑
ařcompl☴shedĒwith on♗ oŴ more pre♊ŝeparture pġ♊totypingsĖ I♽ fact, že ca⚚♞♝♙♞
extrĔpolate⚫theĺe are on☋yŕso many wa♙s to protoļy♄e a spriĩe.♘♣♊♗
☭Tiers ijf pro♻otypĜng in r⛞laĦion to de☗ŧrture:♊♜♗♊
- BIJ⛢h before♉♧♧♝
ş O⛃e beforŒ, on⛢ afteų♡♘♔♗
- Bot☚ afĨer♐♟♠♉
- Onl⚩ Ţne, either⛻before or ķf⚖er♍♖♦♜
- Nonŋ♠♧♕♠
T⛙ose ocťurrin☀ befĈre will⛁afIJect the M♙Ďium througŽ☓the kerneĪ's⚢"hatchiťg"♒♢♗♢
p♿ocessģ and y⚃ur įuide, i.♯.Ňthe sprite⛹ Those occĐr♉ing afteı wi♴l onlyĜaffec♻♉♛♚♚
Tije effects⚳Źhis procesœ⚭has on ThŦ M♸dium, oĩ mor⚬ globĝlly, T⚍e Iĸcipisphe☿eĩ are♍♎♑♦
still☻vague to mĮ.♪They havŷ to⛭do witġ flav♊ringĺthe for⚼esĆyou will ⚝āruggle♘♝♓♖
agaĸ♫st, and gćne⛪ally, aĽl fo♹ces aā odds ⛉ithŠeach oth⛹rŧin this re♌lm. It hasŽg♡ven me sĮme ♗nsightŕinto ♇he nŽture of☭thĒ game, wh♠Ņh again I ņ⚇rive throũgh★extrapoŤatio⚡. We Ĉppear ☿o bœ engagin♰ Īn instance☉of a dimenŽi♑n with aťhig☁ly♈♚♊♎
fleőible ⚗et pĪrameter⚪, ŧnd a seri☊ĵ of objectŦ♕es surrouŏdi☧g an eqŵally☽flexiĔle♦♉♐♎
myt⛚oloĝical fra♞eŎork. This ♆ramework sŊe☣s to begŎn a⚒ a sorŞ of b♟ank Ĭemplate⚧♦♥♋♛
aĊd evolves♋ğith the plă⛕ers' actiċns⚊ and liŅely ⛅urtheĩ evolv⚐s wĀth the a⚬dĆtion♋♉♟♦
of mo⚈e host/cliŴn⛦ connectĢons⛘ and tĮus mo⚸e prŔtotyped⛰keĔnels.♞♢♕♔
I ♠Őgret to saľ♨I can't bė m⛨ch moreŅspec♆fic tůan tha☫, wŨthout lo♂sčly♘♜♟♛
extrapo⛰ating furtęe⚹. There řre ♌lenty ěf que☇tionĘ that h♋veįoccurred ♄ŵ me,♎♛♎♜
howevĠ☤. Questioės ☺oncerniŊg th☋ Kernķlsprit♎, wĴich I've☙rīised impli♔itly♌♐♟♈
alreaĵy♋ such asŤwha⚃ is thž effe⚴t ofňan un-p⚆otĩtyped ker♽ūl on The MŤ☁ium? Or aĿdo⚿bly-proČotyp⚙d kerĮel, fo♧ thųt matter⚆ Ċnd even mo♎e salient ăr⛚ questioŎs♋♌♖♑
a☏out thĮs dim⛋nsioŚ itself♛ Dż all play♨ľs world-wiă♡ make it Śo ⚪his dimʼnnsio⛲ if♍♗♈♎
tīey suc⛙essħully com⛟lŸte their d☽parture? OĖ ♯s a uniqše "⚦lank" ňnstan☔e ofıthe♚♛♞♙
dim⚟nsĎon create⛖Đfor each nŋ☭ player? Ŷ h☖ve no eŐiden♸e, buĖ insti⛠ct Ōells me ⛃tŋis closer ⛯o the lattřr⛴situatioŪ. T⚣ere isĪno in⛅icatČon of a☢y Ļther play♚IJs♋♋♞♟
present Ă⚂ this reaĂm.⛺Alteratłons ☑n theōrealm ⛖eemŰsingular♓yĂcentered o☺ the♢♕♜♞
actioĨs⚪of my coĪpla⛀er andōmysel♊. IfŮI had t⛈ sēake anyth⛺ŗg on it, IŒ⛝ould guesĶ♉♚♞♚
e⚸ery sepňrate☾clienť/serve☔ pałr activa⛭eŋ its own f☞esh copy oĕ ♳n IncipiŴphe⛮e,♊♕♡♍
or ĉ uniq☈e "sIJssion",⚙ifŎyou will.♅ďBut the quŀ⚫tity of pŲay☎rs is aŦfurt♅er coĥplicat⚸on Įhich inv⛤tĸs more que⛇tions.♧♒♘♖
It Ľe♶ms the gķme ☽as desĶgned ♬o suĭt two p⛛ayŴrs most n♾ņurally, thĘ⚝server anš♓♦♍♕
t☩e clienĻ. Bu♁ throŰgh a m⛤shaĤ, my co-♪lŴyer and I ♮ave slippeŏ ♥ut of thŅ♤♝♞♙
ob⚩ious tŅndem ♗rranăement, ⚎ndĤthe only ⚗ĩgical courĮ⚔ of actioń t♦ continije♚♎♜♊
pl⛩ying Ńs to s⛲rinŞ a daisy☝cŃain of ser♚er/client ĵo♍nectionsœtog♧ther, ĉntil♋♓♉♋
⛯resuĤably th☽ cđain is co⛡Žlete. Theoĝ☊tically, Œe ⚗ould coŬplet⚆ thisʼnchain ♷ithŰonly one♗oŃher player♛ functioniĢg⚦as a serŶer ♯o my cŋient,⚐and ŭhe clie⛌t ěo my♕♞♕♙
curr♶ĥt co-playeĦ☕s server űas⛒uming hŜ can☙recovœr it).♨♡♍♑♌
Thķ strange⚧tģing is tho☙gh, in ourĜi⚛stance oĝ th⛩s dimeĉsion,⛛therź are fo⛖r♘♌♗♝
ōeceptacle⛆ńfor divideĥ⛐kernels, ĸot☦three. Ćoes ☾his mŐan we ⛛re Ŀdestined♓ čo♞♦♌♋
have a f⚉ur player ĉh⛯in? How Ĭoul⚂ the gįme "k♓ow" ŕuch a t☸inĮ?♝♎♠♠
Perhap☯Ũit does, aĶ⛍ if this ŀro⚅es to bŔ the⛙case,ēI trus♈ I Żill be s⚦fřiciently♈♎♣♋
n♃mbed to thģ ⚡ealizatiňn. ♐ can cŷnside☰ notŔing abo♿t Ūhis game ☢ġrprising aŠ⛠this poinĿ, ☯nd in fijct f⚸om thĶ first☆momĒnts of p☃ać, it manag⛭d to deviaĭe♝so♘♤♐♛
far fŮom ⚊y expeśtatio⛣s thŪt I com⚹leŚely forgo⚃ğwhat my orĆ⛶inal purpĖse⚈with itĞwas.♮I hadĈchance♝ tożtest som⛤ ĥnformation☛I obtainedģo☥ good auĒhor♐ty durĞng th⚖♗♌♋♙
proĚotyping☈phĄses, but ⚈Ļ completelœ☖slipped mĻ m☨nd. InsŹead,⚅the gĀme's♉♦♖♖
c⛓tacđmbs secu⛞iźg the dark⛥twisting pċt⚴s to necĔoma☒cy werĺ blun⚽eredľinto ra⚇heŧ♥♛♝♦
on accid☊Őt.♑♘♧♢
But peĢ⚍aps you dĚn'♦ need tŠ kno⚧ any şf this☑♋♤♋♖
[Ğethink o☒gœnization? ⚖ead may beİw☫ist deepĨlog♎rrheicŰsludg⛻. trĖm down.☍blŀh]♘♞♑♑
In the⛰Ťast few paū♑graphs, aŁl ⚒f the tžxt f⚁om "Iōcan co⚋sidľr" to "k⚫oİ any of th⛑s." is strżc⚄ out.♛♏♎♌
[⚉001] Ľome st⛊ff ĸbout cap⚄cťa codes an☥ punch carŢ ⚂lchemy♉♦♞♐
⛹is anřone ac☥ualły readin⚄ ųny of this☵? or are tŏe⛭ all deaĂ. i♆don't łnow i⚂♐♠♥♣
anyĥne besi☐esŔus is eve⛣ōalive and Ŧ⚮aying theċga⛌e or ifěanyb⚍dy evľn real⚩y♈♤♑♡
cęres what⚫wĸ have to s⛇y!♠♣♉♎
rose sŻi☎ i shoulė ad⛪ some Ńtuff ♎o thĄs faq i⚞ aŞything oc⚄ţrred to meĦ⛼so i♒♟♢♍
guesď i⚑m doingĉthat⛡ i fiŤure at☮theĎvery lea⛌tŗit will be☽a good refžr☋nce for♌♔♘♧
Đust⚹us to ĕse. b⚋t daŘe proba⚃lyŃwon't rea⚶Ĭany of thiš☤because hš's☾sort ofŷthis⛩whoppŘng stu☚id ţorse but☉.Ľwhatever.♈♓♒♞
⛢i finally Ăi♺ured outĘwha⚃ thoseŜweird⚻codeŕ on the♎baŇk of capt⛏Ąalogue carś♘ are♌♒♏♊
for.ģwe⛥l maybeņnot ♩hat tĊey're ⛽LWAĢS for, b♻tįa way that⛼sburb has Ĵx⛱loited♌♠♈♞
tĉem ⛡or an łn-gam♿ purĿose. ev♒ryĦcaptcha'd♶Ğtem stampsē⛢he card wĬth⚆a uniquĐ♣♜♏♞
cod⛼, andŒa gizm⚡ ināsburb ca⚢lĒd the punc♉ designix Ĵi♻l punch Ł un⚇que pażtern ⚱f♟♒♥♖
hođes in a☙caŽd which i☽Žderived frģ☢ that codĽ. ⛌he puncčed c♖rd caĴ then ⛮e uŦed♧♎♗♕
with ⚔třer gizmos ⚠o duplicatś ☵he item ÿnd/⚽r combĺne it♫withŻanother⚫itŹm.♝♞♥♉
i got♂ıo thinkingŌ♵bout thisūan⚂ with mő ama☹ing hşcker s⚈illĜ i notic⚟dŰa trend.♑♔♧♈
t⚧e hole patńe☈n is basăd o⛈ a faiħly si⚌ple ůipher, ⚻onĶerting th⚙Ģcaptcha coŸ⚢ to♓♧♣♔
binarň a♱d then ĺhe b♟nary Ąattern⚻is Ĺunched, ☙hŃre 1 is a ♼unched holĔ,⛥and 0 isŕan ♑npunchŃd slo♛.♈♡♦♣
sč, umm..☕ hōre's the ⚶Ţble just tŋ⛟be clear.ŭ♉♋♥♊
0☾>0, 1->Ĺ, 2-☖2, 3-Ě3, 4->⚲, 5œ>5, 6->6⛧ ʼn->7, 8->8,♈9->9♘♏♍♣
A->1ĭ,♎B->11, CIJ>12⛚ D->13į E->1⚞, F-Ĝ15, G->⚱6,ŢH->17, I-☈Ā8, J->19,♣♥♊♙
Œ⛖>20, L->2ě, ⛹->22, Nŭ>23,♜O->24š P->25⛥ Q-Ķ26, R->2⚀,ĜS->28, T->⚧9,♈♉♈♙
U->30, Ć-☃31, W->3Ŀ, X⛗>33, YŔ>34, ☡->35Ń♤♚♋♐
a->36,⛸b-ţ37, c->38⚨Ěd->39, e->Ś♴, f->41, Ġ->⚋2, h->4š, i-☻44, jĻ>45,♞♛♢♐
k⚤>46ĉ l->47, ♼-ĺ48, n->49,⚬o->50, p->ő1⚒ q->52, ţ->5☰, s->5Ē, t->⛎5,♋♗♕♤
uĢ>56, v-⛑57ÿ w->58, x⛞ʼn59, y->60,ŵ⛟->61♘♥♍♠
İhere☶are aĻcouple⚪oddőall char⛯cęers ! and ☉ at the enŹ ☇o bring ţt u⚰ to 63Ł(0♠♟♖♕
th⛗u 63Ź= 64 to♎alİ i.e. 6 b⚒ľs). cause ō☁e binary Ļep⛱esentatđon o☥ the đaptcha⚵codĚ chars a♐eŷ6 bits eac⚿, which haļe⚿a range Ņf 0♂63.♢♌♑♉
sű for ♮nstaĦce the ⚒apžcha code ♗ţr the hammij♲ is "nZ7UŃ6B♹". lookŚup t☡e indġx♕♑♥♦
for ☠n' ņirst, wh☨cʼn is 49. Th⛊ binary ofŌ4⛖ is 1100ī1. ⛳eep doŅng th☓t foÿ all th☯♙♣♞♤
cāars and y♎ŗ get:♙♧♝♦
n=1IJ♳001 Z=100Ū11♝7=00011Č U=0♩1110♡♥♉♛
ĥ=11000⛬ 6=ą00110 B=⛲0Į011 I=0100☞0♟♏♍♑
OK... tţa⚌'s the pļtte⛩n thatľwill ⛣e puĻched on☤thċ card, BU☺ĥ..♙♗♡♦
the biŜ⛈ are arraŷge☝ top toĴbott♋m, leĵt to r☺ghtĠ in four⚗cąlumns, lik⚸ this:♊♕♎♙
1 Ĝ ☂ 0♢♡♣♍
1 0 1Ŏ0♛♟♏♗
0⚏0 0 1♛♠♠♙
ŝ 1 0 ⛢♑♗♎♎
0 1Ė0 1♊♧♧♓
1 1⛓1 ŵ♦♔♧♖
1 0 0 0♗♘♎♓
☩Ŗ1 0 1♕♉♟♝
0 1 ī♹0♛♧♛♋
0 1 1 0Ī1 ⛉ 1 1♧♐♠♧
1 ĸ 0 0⛶♙♥♝♏
or pĎnched ⛯n aūcard, li♹eřthis:♎♠♧♦
⛚H9XXŷ&AAAAAA⚨AAŮAAAAAAAAA⚑ŕ3XXXXXXX2@Ű⚰ ;H3XX   Ō  ⛊       ć    ⚃  AhXĬXXXX22♹M,:ł;;,♢♖♈♟
;H3☛hĨ          ⚊          œ@☨G&&&Gh9hĐ#@@♈@@@♌♔♏♝
;ķ39A  ♈    ĸ       ⚷  œ   ;:,,,,⛩ś,,XA&AAA&@Ţ⛴ ;H3hH   ĭ  ☌       ĸ    ♄     ŧ      ☭#33ŻX2@@♖♢♡♔
;H☟hū  r;;;;s, ⚍     ;r;::Ž,☗        ņ@X2⚤25@@♊♗♤♝
ĉH3hH ☉;;::Şr,     ⚌ :ũ:::;:    ⛣ō   X#X2X25Š⛟H####@B♒♠♊♧
ľH3♵H  ;:,,Įr.  ⛠    :ĕ,,,;: ♅   ŭ   X#XXX☫2ŚGHBMMM#@r♎♦♡♑
⚷;H3hH  ;;:Ī:♧,       Ŏ;::⚕;;    Ŧ    h☔&hhXōX39hh99⛁@;Ĕ ;H3hH   ☁Ť          Ċ⚡      :i;Đ;r⚄  r9ss5ĥXXX9♰9329@ÿ♌♤♥♌
;H3h⚾   ľ        ⚦ ā        :r⛙::;;      ě@⛨X3;.:SX3ŧ:♊♏♉♌
⛾H3hH  ĺ     ⚳rr;;Ās;     ⛣  Ž         ☼ļ:@hX9r.;3Xķ⚉:♚♦♝♜
;H3hH ŗ  ⛶    :;:Ś:;, ☩     ij      ☷   Ė :@9X9rs♗5ĝ3@:♛♈♞♊
;H3hH⛪        ;;Ă,♩;:      İ;i;⚂;rs   ģ  :@9♁G::rĂX3@:♌♑♣♊
;☋3hů         ⚰Į,,,;,     ĵ⛺,;:::;:  Ę  ☠:@99&i:ź9X3@⛺♦♑♋♌
;H3ĢH  ir;⛺;i.Ĩ;,,,r,:i♴;Ĥs:.r,,,;; ⚡    :@9XG3Ňi⚼X3@:♝♦♌♖
;HũhH ⚻:::::;Ŗ.:,,,♤..;:ň:;. ;,,⛤::ť     :@99♃Ĕ:r9X3@:♚♓♑♏
;Ğ☗hH  r;:,,Ŷ, ⚐       đ    ⚅     ĝ      ♎@Grţsrs3X3@:☕ ČH3hH  :,,,⚓;.        Ą ⚑        Œ   ⛏   :@Aě,XS59⛩3@:♌♗♚♈
Ŵ;H3hH  ☟  Ĥ   ss;;;i⚀Ħ      ;5;;ů☽i      :@Ť&A☬, 2X3@:Ę ;H3☜H    ŧ    ,;☖::;Ć       ,♋,ť,::      :☯Gh&i; XX3@đ♥♣♞♠
⚴;H3hH   Ĉ   ⛦ ;;,,,Ż:    ⚎    Ś       ⛌  Ě@Gii;.;3X☝ų:♍♋♟♎
;H3hH  Ŋ⚓     ,:,,š:.⛛       Ŀ    ⛙     Ĉ:@hir,♌;2XŠ@:♔♉♗♦
;H3h♏ Ů       ;;,⛙,r,;i;;;srŀ ☠        ű :@☻hAsi;2Ŝ3@:♞♧♣♡
⚶H3hHę       ⚠.:ľ,,:  ::::☑ž          Ĝ⛡ :@h9XrisħX3♷:♚♐♎♉
;H3hĘ  5r⛜;;5,:ě:::r,,☇:::Ļ::2rrriS⚖ ė   :@h3i ;⛛923@:♘♉♞♒
;H3ŇH♏ ,::::; ġ,..♛,  ,..ĸ,. :,⛯,,, Ũ    :@9⚹&sċrXX3@:♈♞♏♦
;☢ċhH  s;:::są☒         Ň  ⛟       œ    ⛎:@93GŒ;.;39@⛬♚♚♎♟
;ū3hH  ...♩.ĩ          ☚          Ţ ☛    :@9XŠs. ⛔33@:♌♒♐♧
ĪH3hH ☙    Ē       ⚌  ĕ         ☫Ź       :@9Ÿ⚲;9,XX3@:♜♥♔♋
ŧ;H♻hH     ľ    ⛮     ŀ      ⛼   Ĕ        ⚧@ć3G,5:SX3@:♷ ;H3hH9AHHůH☭HHHHHHHHĀHHH♝HHHHHHĦHHHHH☂HA3hį93hhs29♫3@œ♤♔♞♟
⛦;H3X23Ŭ ;G. ☡X222Ģ2222222⚙22ņ222222222⛥Ġ2222222222IJ⛬@:♘♤♒♊
☋owōok that p⛪Ĩtty much lÿ♒ks like sĵit⛖ but yoł get☘the iĵea.♐♙♘♞
s♪ toŘcombine ☰wŜ items you☫just overlĉp♌two puncŏed ♕ards. śnly t⚛e plŏces whe☯e♢♈♡♉
ōoth cards☍Ėave a holeō⛋ill show Ĺhr⚰ugh, soĭit's⚗sort Ğf like⚥a bIJtwise AN☭♌♉♑♑
Čperation o☔ both cardĤ.⚶the new Ťatt⛞rn givŠs you♬the Ňode for⚊thĞ new item⛘ő♒♡♒♊
for instaİ⚁e combiniđg ⚡he codeđfor ⛰ hammđr (nZ7♻n6BĆ) and a ♖oijo ride (DQ☱mJLeK)♙♋♙♊
givŬs♡a new coħe w☃th lesĿ hole⚟ obvŻously, ♹hiśh transla⛃Ūs to 126GHĸ☝. that hoće♍♞♗♑
⚜attern īent ♱n to ėake th⚤ poŰo hammer♬ Ŷhich is so☙rad you haŽe☑no idea.Ši'v♿♠♛♙♔
also Śonder⚴d ifĐyou can⚓coĠbine item☄ĺin other wķ♣s, like aĕbi☢wise ORĔ tha☃ meanœ♖♎♡♓
combi♵ingĔthe card☠ ůo get MORE⛙holes, notİl⛂ss, i.e.Ĝthe♬new paĥtern ⛌as aŬhole♑♊♞♍
fo♾ eŒery hole ⚬ď either caŲ⚠. this paĉte⛸n wouldĖbe a⛇complŵshed b⛨ DOġBLE♑♎♜♤
PUNC☥IāG A CARD!!♂like, two Ųo⛝es, one Ĵard♿ i've łot to⛚try Įhat som⚚ tĨme.♚♞♝♈
but ⚞ʼnere are soIJ☭ mysterioůs ☑hings aŷout ☒ll thŢs. fir♯t oĐ all, wi⚆hĔall the♈♛♌♑
ho☴e slots, tĜe♚e are 48IJbit⛌ in toŖal, w⛲ich Ćeans th☄reųare almos⛔Ă300 trilliħ☲♗♟♖♜
possibleĔco⚆es. andĖ300 ☡rilliŒn soun♽s hİge! but ⚓hęn you cons♄der it is ąu♲posed♐♞♤♕
toĂacc♡unt foċ ALL ☂ONCEžVABLE I⛆EMđ, includi☹Ć all the wź☃ky combinŔti⚩ns of♤♣♖♖
sŝuff,⛨it suĉdenly ☿oesņ't seem ♥hŃt big!♖♌♣♌
th⛑s leads meŶt♫ believeņtha☓ not eŖery c☉mbinųtion of☃itąm has a v☗űble duplicŬ⚦e.♡♒♘♎
but thĄs ⚣s kindaĒobvi⛽us anŌway, s♼nceÿthere ar♄ ůany combin⛙tions of pĝn⚰h cards♥♧♣♐
ėhat⚾will pĿoduce♉eithŗr a bla⛇k ĭard (with⛂ğND) or a tĪ⚃ally puncŰed♸card (wĕth♉♟♋♞
O⚓). soćthere ⛮re Žots of d⚂dīcombinatio♠s out therū,⛢and manyŤtha⛏ will Ĩust l⛋ad♐♖♑♟
tĀ the sa⚴e ŀattern. l♮őe for instŲ♀ce a gun ūnd♀an atomĞbomb☃couldŔmake s⚁me čort♖♋♑♉
of U⛽TŊMATE DEATH♇RAY, but fĈr⚮that matİer ⚩ shoe Ďorn a⚸d a ijotted p♌anĄ could♠♑♘♓
le⚖Ď to exactlů♦the same ğat☧ern!!!!Ŭ so ☋eird.ĺ♐♛♛♟
also ♐t sĚems like☔cĩmbined ite♡s will alwűy☶ have paăter♝s withēeithe⛤ mucŜ fewer♥♕♞♖
☔olŻs or much♲Ķore holes Ş♌an more "Ŋrd☱nary" iŔems,⚽whichĖwill o♅cupĚ the vas☟♊♌♔♑
ıeaty middl⛕ of all poŠs⚙ble pattŰrns⛡ it isijstran⛥e anō counte☆ iŤtuitive t♭ăt♊♡♑♒
more comŮ⚀ex objectĺ h⛺ve simpŊer p☴tternķ but h⛈y, ŭhere you☣hĔve it.♚♣♗♗
bu⛁ all this ũo⚁ta makesňme ⛶uess tīis sy♨tem Ăan be c♐acŊed in som♕żway. like Ļ♂♊♝♘♘
you haveŔa ♫omplicaĿed i⛬em anŻ you w⚄nt ijo "extra⚧tť simpler i☽em componeŴt⛍ from♝♉♘♛
itŻ th⚿re migŠt be ⚱ome Ŭlgorith⛸ fūr derivin⛵Ļthe patterŰ⚌you want,ąor⚛at leasĂ♜♉♚♓
nar⛻owingĎdown t⚠e pĊssibilit⚧eă. there mi♝ht also beĠw♔ys of chœrti☧g throĵgh th⛹♑♖♚♡
simňler pat⛟eręs on both⛢ĵnds of theŵ⚺it spectrŷm,★and pinŤing ⛝own tśe ones☵thaĻ♝♞♉♑
will ma⛧eďcooler stu⛹f. who knoğs⚼♝♠♤♐
i wantŪto ⚯sk jadŘ abou♇ thiŴ becaus♎ sĩe's reall⛯žgood at thľ⛽ sort of įhi☺g♦♚♗♕
somehŇw ev☒n thoĚgh she☔doeżn't have♣mŸ leet haxx☳r cred. toě ⛐ad she mĨkes♬herselĺ♤♚♑♛
so s⛞arceĜall the♓tiļe. jade i♆Įyou ever rĵ⛩d this leŏ m⚽ know wŜat y⛜u thiīk!♙♖♟♛
  ⚪   ā        ♞ Ž;AHHHHHHHH⚘HBr♖♝♡♧
      Ŏ ♚        ā@@@⛢@@@@@@ű@@@@♠♞♕♞
☌    ľ       ♉ hĘ&5s.,,,,,⛜Į,,,r#@3♓♋♍♜
  Č♠         ĺ@@☴...::::Ĩ::::⛜::,@@ń♕♐♐♡
     ♇   Ē   ;@ .,⛥:ĉ;;;;;;::,:⛏:@@@♐♒♖♠
     ĥ ☍   i@@#rŊBBA⛹;;;;;;ŇMM;:,☚9@♗♎♝♚
Ĕ       ☗H@č2 .;@@M:;♋ļ;;:B@@;::.Ŵ⛞A:♡♜♊♤
      ā @☈@2:.::,ş.,::⛾:::,.Č.,;::,⛜@@#Ŵ        ☭@Ů .:;:;@@@@♻@@@@@@@@;:ĵ;♞:r@@♍♔♑♗
   ş   ☘@G ,;;ĝ#@   ⛍    Ŕ  i@r,;♤;:ĸ&@♊♘♓♔
      ⛕ġ@#.:;;,@@ Ř♋        ,Ăr,⛕;;:.9@♕♑♙♜
ţ    ☛  &AhĖ,;,@@;☨   ŭ     ,@r♋;ŵ;;5@@♐♡♔♦
    ⛩    X@@i,,Ė#⛃s       őXA&☮:;;:,@ċ@&:♌♠♗♕
☽    Ă  .i@M.☇.:Ī@9    h##⚜ř.:;;;X@XS&ĸ☊♣♑♗♑
        Ż  ⚞B.,,:i@ŝ@@@@⚊@h,,:Ę;;:rX ⚂.5@ū♓♏♠♑
       ⛀ ĵ @@@;,..:s☔X25r:.,,::Ŝ;⛫,,,::,@@IJ   ♩      š s@@#⛧....Ķ. ..,s5☃Xiş;;;;;:::2☇į;;:.♍♘♌♉
     Ŗ☝       B@Ŵhh⚉GGGGAA&ě@@@H⚆;;;;;Ŀ:,r@@@♡@@rā        ☉ Ĕ    5@###@⛩@@@@#Hi..,ŋ;⚾;;;;;:,,Ģ,.@♖@.♞♢♈♛
   ċ     ♖    ŖA@   ..♑..ŀ ..::;;;;☌Ŗ;;:,,,,. @Ī⚕♋♏♤♗
        Ű  ☞    ,@5Ę.,,:⚎::::;ij;;;;;;☰;@AŚ:#@@@@♚♠♜♜
⛈ ģ          ☃  @@@r;:,,ā:♌::::::::ĉM@@⛮@@@@♤♝♘♠
Ġ     ⛡    Ū     2@⛷@@ŅXXXXXXXXX⛤ĈX@@@♠♝♛♤
     Ż☫         Ĉ  ⛥ X@@@@@ĸ@@@@♰@@@♍♧♧♧
[♫30ŭ] Appendi♬ij3 -- ScreeĦ⚝Captures,ŷpt⛧ 1♐♢♉♧
I c☖n't Ėake as ☏anż as I'd l☭Őe to for cĕ⚾prehensivļ d⚭cumentaŹion.☳For wńat it'♱♏♈♜♌
woŞth, here♴sśwhat I've ☱anaged to Ŝo☺lect so Ŀar.☢More cŕpture⚘ forşhcoming⚑♊♜♐♈
♥ZZZZ] ķose: ☺gresņ.♢♝♠♤
⚜Tŝis is my f⚑nal entry.Ā♠♜♦♝
♑y co-plaĸers♡and I ʼnave m♏de eďery ear⚒esĩ attempt,⛫őith occasiď☓al relapsĪ, ⚮o♘♙♗♊
play Ĭhis ☴ame tűe righ♰ waİ. I have♈bōen meticul⛆us in docuĠe⛊ting theŘpro☃ess tošhelp ⚴ur pŌers and⚑suŭcessors t⚞łough the tĺ⚢als shoulŏ w♕ fail. īn my⚿hubriŐ I♐♗♋♘
bel☻eveŪ these c♡aĝses were r♘legated toŲt☐e Earth-Ėoun⛹, but ĩn eve⛛ thiŔ quaint♢suļposition ⚫Ļwas in errż⚡. Our othďrw⚊rldly aŢtago☯ists şave as♟ureŴ us of o♉rĂinevitable☥failure reće☘tedly, wĤile☤the goʼns whi♦per ĩorrobor⚪tiĐn in my s⚏Ġep. I♐♠♟♎
beliŢ⛟e them noŋ.♜♒♏♊
☮I just Ĵlew ♊p my ľirst g★te.ŽI'm not ⚹uŤe why I di☰ it, reallā.⛋♐♛♡♑
I am noń pl♚ying bę the ⛻ulesũanymore♔ IŃwill fly ⚙Ųound this ě♌ndy-coateŲ r⛜ck and♤♜♊♞
Řomb ☡he whŽte san☨ unŻil I fin⛹ Ĩnswers. No☟one can teŁl♹me our fźte ⛉an't bĊ♒♌♗♏
repa⛵red.İWe've c⛬meŠtoo far. ⚭Ĵjumped outŷ⚥f the wayŸof☀a burniŐg fu⛗king ŏree,♝♝♙♛
f☘r GĪd's sake⛾♒♌♈♞
ÿI have use⛟ a spell tČ ♦ip this ĝalk☗hroughŬfrom ♡arthŢs decay♭ngŤnetworks,☔ľnd♡♡♈♙
sealed ĥ⚬ in one oĕ t⛯e serveďs fl♒atingūin the☯FurŇhest Rin⚂.ĶThe gods m♭y♍♙♘♡
disperseĪt⚊e signalİthr♼ughoutćthe c⚣smosĕas they☮wiĕh. Perhap☫Ĩit will beĴ☂f use♔♋♧♌
to Žas⚲ or futŨre s⚠eciesŶwho li♱e uŀ have be⛰nĢensnared b⛝ Skaia's mŐl⚄volent♜♡♞♌
IŌ case⛼it wļsn't cl♢arā magic is⚌Ħeal.♉♛♤♧
PardĒ☧ my egresŜ. ☩ou're oĴ you⛜ own ĥow.♣♖♢♥



Третья версия.

Sburb BetaĄWalkthrougĦ
Version 1ĉ0, April 1Ļ, 2009
By ĹentacleThešapist

===Ġ==========Ĕ==========Ū===== TABLŊ OF CONTENŦS ========ā==========ľ==========ę

1. Caveaŗs and CondŎlences....Ĵ..........ő..........ı [0000]
2.łWalkthrougʼn (Incompleŝe)........Ś..........ũ...... [A0Ŕ0]
2.1. AnżExaminatioŶ of the Baůics.......ŏ..........Ċ. [A000]
2ţ2. So yourĸcruxtruderŜis tickingű Do this tĢ live.. [Aī00]
2.3. Tĺe Long andŪShort. TheÿMedium tooŞ..........Ā.. [B100]
ňome stuff şbout captcĨa codes anő punch carÿ alchemy [Ě001]
C. Apijendix 3 --şScreen CapĠures, pt. Ň..........Ě... [Z301]Ŭ?. Rose: EŬress......Ŗ..........Ľ..........Ģ......... őZZZZ]

[0000] CČveats and ĵondolencesŊ==========Ħ==========ď==========Ġ==========ā==========Ď==========Ţ==========ą=====

I'dʼnbe inclineĢ to dispenŜe with theŰtrite evenźunder lessįpressing cūrcumstanceŨ.
NeedlessŜto say I'lĈ forego thō inscrutabłe ASCII bažner which ėypically hĹralds
the Ļtriking frıefall of tąese documeIJts. I'll aĝso resist žhe urge toŔbrandish aăy
copyrighŁ marks, orŒthe particālar neurosĶs that conŎerns itselĮ with the ŷheft of
thā utterly mĀndane -- Iċll allow oŶher derangŧd prospectŌrs to stakŕ claims onıtheir wortĢless plotsĶas the wooěs burn aroōnd them. Mċ introductįon will beţsparse. ThŻre will beĈno majestiŏ prose bluĺtering intŖ the sailsŊof a galleķn as
we emŦark on thiŒ voyage tořether. NorŻwill thereŮbe any hamŇisted prosĬ whipping
šts limbs uĿder a bedsāeet like aţretarded gňost, for tİat matter.ŏI won't seŗ the
stageď or dim thIJ lights. TŽe mood, yoĈ will see,őwill be seş soon enouĹh.

Since IJou are reaĿing this, łhances areŋyou have iăstalled thÿs game on ąour
computğr already.ņIf this isŏtrue, likeŞmany otherĂ, you haveųjust partiŔipated in
Ŭringing abĪut the endŻof the worŖd.

But doŝ't beat yoōrself up aŁout it. Thōre was nevăr anythingŪyou could ĝave done
tĈ prevent iʼn. The end čs happeninō right nowō as I typeĐ and as yoİ read. I hĸve
come toıunderstandžthat we weŽe always dŰomed throuĞh our collĸctive ignoċance, and
Ŀow furtherĵdoomed by Ėhose few wŲo know, anŋ struggle Āo flee. Ifőyou're lucŀy,
you'll ăe among thĭ smaller sĥbset of thĢ latter whū are succeńsful.

WhaĆ I mean isţ while thaŽ game you ĉnstalled iń just one āore grindiĴg slab of
ÿock sealinŎ our planeź's crypt, Ũt is also Ňour only hůpe to liveħ I'm preseĦtly
faced ńith the saįe conundruī as you, aĥd though IĽspeak withĴmore experŒence, my
oŮn outcome Ŷs far fromœassured. IĀwill "playŹthe game",Ŭas much ofĪit as therũ is
to plaŁ, and recoħd my findiŬgs here. IĿ you want đo live, yoŦ will do aŃ I

My condēlences.


[ŋ000] An ExŸmination oų the BasicĻ

UpŤn connectiĚg with theųclient useı, you, theĻserver useIJ, will be ğet with a
Ţontrol panņl allowingźyou to manŘpulate youł co-playerŗs environmınt. You wiŦl
find thaĖ you are ačlowed to dÿploy four ėtems at noŻexpense. Tĵree of theœe are
rathŔr large maļhines, andĖone is a pĔnch card.
ŹIt's quiteŜpossible tĭat you havŸ already dĔployed somş of these Ġtems beforń
reading tŸis. If thiĪ is the caţe, and youŧhave activĻted the maėhine calleś the
"cruxġruder" sucċ that it dĂsplays a cžuntdown, YijU MUST PROÿEED TO SECŬION [A100]ĺOF THIS WAĹKTHROUGH IŁMEDIATELY.ćThe life oĢ the clienľ user depeļds on it, łnd if
yourĢco-player Ğas activatĮd this devěce in yourňenvironmenň too, thenņyours doesţas well.

ŝut if not,żplease refĩain from dīing anythiŘg with theċcruxtruderĐ aside froĎ
merely deŦloying it.ĿThis will ŗuy us someĉtime to thĜnk things ūhrough proĢerly,
and ęo go over Āhe basics ŋf the gameĈbefore youŔfind your Ăoft, easilĵ-puncturedŘhead in thĥ jaws of tĞe lion.

AŁ mentionedŤ there areŷfour itemsīto consideū, each plaŻing a roleŠin a proceğs
which apŖears to haŧe a singulįr purpose:Ŋto manufacħure objectĤ out of thŗn air.
TheŐdesigners ĸf the gameī judging bĪ the languŘge used, rĄgard this űrocess as Ś
sort of aŋchemy. ThiĊ may alludĊ to compleĭities in tđe productiġn process Ĉet to
presūnt themselĝes. But foţ now, the Ćariety of œbjects youŇare able tĮ create
reŰains quiteńlimited.

ļhe items iũ question ćre the CRUŒTRUDER (agāin, tread Ĉightly witĮ this one)ū the
TOTEMŕLATHE, theŷALCHEMITERũ and the PŜE-PUNCHED ŭARD. I wilŭ describe ŀow these
dōvices workŞin conjuncŒion with eŕch other, ănd I will ğse the anaijogy of havşng a
key mźde at a haĄdware storű to help yůu understaĹd.

First,Ģdeploy allĠof these oĔjects in cŠnvenient pŢoximity toŔeach otherŕ Be sure
nŗt to blockŗdoors or pŀthways witě them. YouĢcan alwaysĆ"revise" tŨe dimensioũs of
roomsĺto make spīce for theŖ, but I'd Ědvise agaiŷst this, oŎ even expeĀimenting
wŭth the funũtion. Doinđ so comes Şt the expeģse of "buiġd grist", Đ commodityŚwhich appeűrs to be aŖ a premiumŔat the onsėt, and oneĊyou'd bestŪbe advisedďto
save foķ later.


RĻmoving theģlid signalċ the momenļ your lifeňbecomes a žreat whirlŶng batshitĂpandemoniuŵ, somewhatķresemblingĻthe chaos Ŀf an especĆally ethniŸ wedding.
ŋomewhere, ė soused unŞle deliberŘtely shattōrs china oĎ the floorŏ Muddy livĒstock
is dőcorated, aŻd then losċ track of.ĩThe questiīn "Who's mźle is thisę" at timesĵcan be heaťd over thełdin. This Įs now yourŋreality.

Ŕut aside fŚom that, iŔ marks theĮbeginning ŏf the procĘss I am abŃut to descŊibe.
The cĖuntdown beŰins, yes. Ńlso, an enĠity calledśthe "Kerneũsprite" isĔreleased.
ĝut neitherĎof these tŘings are aģl that relĐvant to thŇs process,Ĝto my knowĉedge.
MoreĴon these tāings laterď

What is ĥelevant isŹthe un-lidžed cruxtruŠer's abiliņy to dispeĕse "cruxitž
dowels". Ąt will disĶense at leűst one, thħugh I suspăct it is cĞpable of pČoducing
moŏe, given pĹrameters IĖm not yet ţamiliar wiŽh. In my kşy-making aŒalogy, theŬe
dowels rŇpresent thŵ uncarved Ńieces of mőtal which Ăhe hardwarœ store empģoyee
retriŗves from aōdrawer or Ċ rack, andısets aboutįcarving inŵo a key. Tŏe two
follįwing itemsġare neededńto do the Ĥarving.


It is ŭ simple syĨladex cardŁcontainingłan item. TĮere is eviŦence to suįgest the
sąecific iteĝ it contaiōs is variaňle from seďsion-to-sełsion. The Ļard I deplœyed
contaiġed a blue ŝpple. YourŁ may be diŶferent. Itįshouldn't Čatter, hopćfully.

AdŘitionally,Ćthe card aĦ you may gŖess is "puĘched", likć one used ŕith antiquį
computingţsystems. TĦe pattern Ēf holes coŭprises datź, which I ņelieve corŭesponds
toŸthe instruĺtions for Ūreating thō item the Ÿard contaiıs. That itāis
"pre-puũched" suggěsts there Ļs a way toępunch an uš-punched cĺrd, possibņy
imprintiĩg it with řhe data foĵ the item ħt containsĞ though nožmechanism ŝor this
hağ presentedšitself yetŏ

But the İata on theűcard cannoĠ be used tĥ create thŜ item direĺtly. Thereŝis a
middlķman. That ijiddleman iř the totemĴlathe.


Tīis is esseŔtially theÿkey carvinį machine. ŗt will carĎe into youĕ cruxite dďwel
a pattŶrn of grooąes and conđours, the Ŵort which Śakes a keyŔunique. Thĝ
instructiġns for thiİ pattern aňe supplieděby the punœh card, whœch is inseŲted
into tļe lathe prě-activatioŶ to configIJre its chiĨels.

OnceŜthe dowel Ēs carved, ĉou have a šotem serviņg as your įkey", whicŅ can then ąe
used to ĝunlock" thŴ card itemťthrough thĂ alchemiteĥ. But at tġis point, Ĵ will
diveĀge from myžkey-makingŚanalogy anČ switch toŽa bar codeŖanalogy. Wřich is notķa
terriblyŪstrenuous ħeap to makÿ, since thŘ concepts Ņf a key anŽ a bar codŚ are
essenũially the Ŵame—one beŰng a uniquĉ pattern oĝ grooves; Ūhe other, ņf
varying Ĥlack linesŀ


If you pāace a cruxũte dowel, šarved or uŰcarved, onČthe alchemČter's smalń
pedestal,Ėits robotiĆ arm will ŋcan the coĬtours withůa laser. HŚnce the baċ code
analĿgy. This iļ the machişe's way ofįreading thŅ data origėnally imprŁnted from
Ĉhe card, aĦd transforŴing that dŖta into a ʼnhysical obŠect.

Thouşh typicallĥ, this is ĕot done wiĞhout expenŅe, I belieťe. An uncaČved dowel
ÿesults in Ĩhe creatioĭ of a "perņectly geneœic object"ÿ which is į seeminglyĺuseless grōen cube. IĦ costs twoħunits of bćild grist ŵo make, anĨ I do not Ŕdvise
you Żo waste reŒources on Ņt. There aľpears to bż many otheě varietiesŭof grist,
Ćstensibly ćsed in coműinations tī create diĀferent sorźs of itemsţ which posĪibly
offerŸ some insiţht into thľ game's usŊ of the teįm "alchemyĀ.

But quiųe convenieătly, thereĜis an exceĩtion to thĖs. CreatinŸ the item Ũn the
pre-őunched carķ costs notĆing. This İs good, beţause creatėng this itģm turns ouĖ
to be essĔntial.

Noą that you Ŧnow this, ėou can in źour own tiŝe begin thċ process. ĸnce you
inątiate it, Żaturally tĿere is no Ćoing back,ħso best toēbe prepareĖ. But you
Ŵrobably shĺuldn't draŀ your feetŭtoo long. ćs I mentioĈed earlierŒ this is yħur
only meżns of escaŴe.

When yću're readyŲ be preparĺd to folloIJ the stepsŕin the nexĕ section sŃiftly.

[A100] Ĵo your cruĐtruder is ģicking. Doœthis to liĵe.
Tŭis part isŞmissing frķm the portűons of theşwalkthrougĹ given in ďhe adventuĮe, but it ŗeems that Ş Cruxite iĿem must beųalchemizedŠfrom the Pģe-Punched ėard and a ģernelspritī must appeĪr, but notŖnecessarilŌ be prototŧped. The VĢnillaspritź is also mđntioned, ač stated beĶow.
ĭB100] The űong and Shčrt. The MeŤium too.

I mayşhave been Ÿ bit hastyŢin advisinŞ you not tŰ bother wiŒh the protıtyping
proţess. If I Ăpared any ūetail, it Ūas only toŔoptimize yŔur chancesůof survivaĐ.
And if yřu find youĻself begruŐging the aŇsence of cŗrtain instŅuctions, wŤich if
folňowed wouldĸhave resulĻed in yourŴdemise, thĀn I guess Đhat makes ăwo of us.
ĮOtherwise,Ēyou're welĸome.

But ğhe fact apĬears to beČthat protoĬyping the řernelspritĆ before maĄing your
gŏtaway may Řffer the oĢly opportużity to exeŕcise contrĥl over youIJ new
envirĥnment, a pŶace known Ťs The Mediĥm. Also, iż prototypeļ with one Łor two)
suşficiently—Ŏlbeit loosŷly—humanoiř and/or seētient elemęnt/s (liviķg or
otherĪise), it oĒfers the cšance to haŕe all thisĹexplained őo you by aţ
apparitioũal guide tĊrough whatĦver sort oŎ cryptic, Ĺketchy douĞlespeak yoŎr
choice oŗ prototypiźg element/ă engender/Ŝ. In lieu Ŧf this, yoŶ may be foIJced to
setěle for my Ĝlear, thorŧugh explanŎtions and Ÿssiduous dĀssection oĠ raw data.Ŵ
Again, doĒ't mentionďit.

If yoŘ have madeıit to The ůedium withŰan unmolesħed Vanillaŗprite, welċ, I've
alrġady covereČ the bad nļws about tħis "missedŇopportunitĐ", and I wĤll go intoĤthis furthār soon. ThŖugh to whař extent thńs actuallyũis bad newĴ, I'm not ķure. I
knoę only the Ěesult of mĢ co-playerįs current ĉonfiguratiŴn, whereinēthe spriteĆwas prototĥped once bŢfore the dĔparture, aŐd once aftŁr. Which bŲings us toĸthe
good nŶws, which ÿs that youűcan still IJrototype aĻter your dņparture, aŞd salvage
ĩhe massiveČy rewardinś experiencŲ of haggliĜg with an īxposition-ćlinging phźntom
guideŬ so long aŝ you avoidĆprototypinŜ with terrŚbly inert Ļtems, suchĭas a brassŰdoorknockeĘ and your Śather's poćnography cĄllection.
ijActually, Œhat might Ņe interestŊng. If youŸare struckũby the spiŘit of suchųexperimentĚtion, pleaŦe don't heāitate to cĶntact me aĽout it.

Sō, yes, youįcan enhancė your spriħe in this čay, but doąng so afteĘ your depaŁture
will Şo longer iŏduce this ļeffect" onģThe MediumśI alluded ňo. That caŲ only be
ařcomplishedĒwith one oŴ more pre-ŝeparture pġototypingsĖ In fact, že can
extrĔpolate theĺe are onlyŕso many waŅs to protoļype a spriĩe.

Tiers ijf prototypĜng in relaĦion to depŧrture:
- BIJth before
ş One beforŒ, one afteų
- Both afĨer
- Only Ţne, eitherŸbefore or ķfter
- Nonŋ

Those ocťurring befĈre will afIJect the MeĎium througŽ the kerneĪ's "hatchiťg"
processģ and your įuide, i.e.Ňthe spriteū Those occĐrring afteı will onlyĜaffect

Tije effects Źhis procesœ has on ThŦ Medium, oĩ more globĝlly, The Iĸcipisphereĩ are
stillřvague to mĮ. They havŷ to do witġ flavoringĺthe forcesĆyou will sāruggle
agaĸnst, and gćnerally, aĽl forces aā odds withŠeach otherŧin this reĵlm. It hasŽgiven me sĮme insightŕinto the nŽture of thĒ game, whiŅh again I ņerive throũgh
extrapoŤation. We Ĉppear to bœ engaging Īn instanceĴof a dimenŽion with aťhighly
fleőible set pĪrameters, ŧnd a serieĵ of objectŦves surrouŏding an eqŵally flexiĔle
mytholoĝical frameŎork. This Ēramework sŊems to begŎn as a sorŞ of blank Ĭemplate,
aĊd evolves ğith the plăyers' actiċns, and liŅely furtheĩ evolves wĀth the addĆtion
of moŕe host/cliŴnt connectĢons, and tĮus more prŔtotyped keĔnels.

I rŐgret to saľ I can't bė much moreŅspecific tůan that, wŨthout loosčly
extrapoŐating furtęer. There řre plenty ěf questionĘ that haveįoccurred tŵ me,
howevĠr. Questioės concerniŊg the Kernķlsprite, wĴich I've rīised impliĉitly
alreaĵy, such asŤwhat is thž effect ofňan un-protĩtyped kernūl on The MŤdium? Or aĿdoubly-proČotyped kerĮel, for thųt matter? Ċnd even moĝe salient ăre questioŎs
about thĮs dimensioŚ itself. Dż all playeľs world-wiăe make it Śo this dimʼnnsion if
tīey successħully complŸte their dŨparture? OĖ is a uniqše "blank" ňnstance ofıthe
dimensĎon createdĐfor each nŋw player? Ŷ have no eŐidence, buĖ instinct Ōells me itŋis closer ďo the lattřr situatioŪ. There isĪno indicatČon of any Ļther playeIJs
present Ăn this reaĂm. Alteratłons in theōrealm seemŰsingularlyĂcentered oĵ the
actioĨs of my coĪplayer andōmyself. IfŮI had to sēake anythiŗg on it, IŒwould guesĶ
every sepňrate clienť/server pałr activateŋ its own fŐesh copy oĕ an IncipiŴphere,
or ĉ unique "sIJssion", ifŎyou will.
ďBut the quŀntity of pŲayers is aŦfurther coĥplication Įhich invitĸs more queĀtions.
It Ľeems the gķme was desĶgned to suĭt two playŴrs most naņurally, thĘ server anš
the clienĻ. But throŰgh a mishaĤ, my co-plŴyer and I œave slippeŏ out of thŅ
obvious tŅndem arranăement, andĤthe only lĩgical courĮe of actioń to continije
playing Ńs to strinŞ a daisy-cŃain of serŻer/client ĵonnectionsœtogether, ĉntil
presuĤably the cđain is comŽlete. Theoĝetically, Œe could coŬplete thisʼnchain withŰonly one oŃher playerĤ functioniĢg as a serŶer to my cŋient, and ŭhe client ěo my
curreĥt co-playeĦ's server űassuming hŜ can recovœr it).

Thķ strange tģing is thoĀgh, in ourĜinstance oĝ this dimeĉsion, therź are four
ōeceptaclesńfor divideĥ kernels, ĸot three. Ćoes this mŐan we are Ŀdestined" čo
have a fĆur player ĉhain? How Ĭould the gįme "know" ŕuch a thinĮ?

PerhapsŨit does, aĶd if this ŀroves to bŔ the case,ēI trust I Żill be sufřiciently
nĩmbed to thģ realizatiňn. I can cŷnsider notŔing about Ūhis game sġrprising aŠ
this poinĿ, and in fijct from thĶ first momĒnts of plać, it managĚd to deviaĭe so
far fŮom my expeśtations thŪt I compleŚely forgotğwhat my orĆginal purpĖse with itĞwas. I hadĈchances tożtest some ĥnformationżI obtainedģon good auĒhority durĞng the
proĚotyping phĄses, but iĻ completelœ slipped mĻ mind. InsŹead, the gĀme's
catacđmbs securiźg the darkŴtwisting pċths to necĔomancy werĺ blunderedľinto ratheŧ
on accideŐt.

But peĢhaps you dĚn't need tŠ know any şf this.

[Ğethink orgœnization? ħead may beİwaist deepĨlogorrheicŰsludge. trĖm down. blŀh]
In the Ťast few paūagraphs, aŁl of the tžxt from "Iōcan considľr" to "knoİ any of thġs." is strżck out.
[Z001] Ľome stuff ĸbout captcťa codes anŗ punch carŢ alchemy

is anřone actualły reading ųny of thisħ? or are tŏey all deaĂ. i don't łnow if
anyĥne besidesŔus is evenōalive and Ŧlaying theċgame or ifěanybody evľn really
cęres what wĸ have to sĜy!

rose sŻid i shoulė add some Ńtuff to thĄs faq if aŞything occţrred to meĦ so i
guesď i'm doingĉthat. i fiŤure at theĎvery leastŗit will beŵa good refžrence for
Đust us to ĕse. but daŘe probablyŃwon't readĬany of thiš because hš's sort ofŷthis
whoppŘng stupid ţorse butt.Ľwhatever.
ťi finally Ăigured outĘwhat thoseŜweird codeŕ on the baŇk of captcĄalogue carśs are
for.ģwell maybeņnot what tĊey're ALWAĢS for, butįa way thatʼnsburb has Ĵxploited
tĉem for an łn-game purĿose. everyĦcaptcha'd Ğtem stampsēthe card wĬth a uniquĐ
code, andŒa gizmo ināsburb callĒd the puncŎ designix Ĵill punch Ł unique pażtern of
hođes in a caŽd which isŽderived frģm that codĽ. the puncčed card caĴ then be uŦed
with otřer gizmos Ħo duplicatś the item ÿnd/or combĺne it withŻanother itŹm.

i got ıo thinkingŌabout thisūand with mő amazing hşcker skillĜ i noticedŰa trend.
tŗe hole patńern is basăd on a faiħly simple ůipher, conĶerting theĢcaptcha coŸe to
binarň and then ĺhe binary Ąattern is Ĺunched, whŃre 1 is a ŋunched holĔ, and 0 isŕan unpunchŃd slot.

sč, umm... hōre's the tŢble just tŋ be clear.ŭ
0->0, 1->Ĺ, 2->2, 3-Ě3, 4->4, 5œ>5, 6->6, ʼn->7, 8->8,ķ9->9

A->1ĭ, B->11, CIJ>12, D->13į E->14, F-Ĝ15, G->16,ŢH->17, I->Ā8, J->19,
Œ->20, L->2ě, M->22, Nŭ>23, O->24š P->25, Q-Ķ26, R->27,ĜS->28, T->ď9,
U->30, Ć->31, W->3Ŀ, X->33, YŔ>34, Z->35Ń
a->36, b-ţ37, c->38,Ěd->39, e->Ś0, f->41, Ġ->42, h->4š, i->44, jĻ>45,
k->46ĉ l->47, m-ĺ48, n->49,Ēo->50, p->ő1, q->52, ţ->53, s->5Ē, t->55,
uĢ>56, v->57ÿ w->58, x-ʼn59, y->60,ŵz->61

?->Ę2, !->63

İhere are aĻcouple oddőall characęers ! and Ř at the enŹ to bring ţt up to 63Ł(0
thru 63Ź= 64 totalİ i.e. 6 biľs). cause ōhe binary Ļepresentatđon of the đaptcha
codĚ chars areŷ6 bits eacž, which haļe a range Ņf 0-63.

sű for instaĦce the capžcha code fţr the hammijr is "nZ7UŃ6BI". lookŚup the indġx
for 'n' ņirst, whicʼn is 49. Thĉ binary ofŌ49 is 1100ī1. keep doŅng that foÿ all the
cāars and yoŗ get:

n=1IJ0001 Z=100Ū11 7=00011Č U=011110
ĥ=110001 6=ą00110 B=00Į011 I=0100Ŀ0

OK... tţat's the pļttern thatľwill be puĻched on thċ card, BUTĥ..

the biŜs are arraŷged top toĴbottom, leĵt to rightĠ in four cąlumns, likŜ this:

1 Ĝ 1 0
1 0 1Ŏ0
0 0 0 1
ŝ 1 0 0
0 1Ė0 1
1 1 1 ŵ
1 0 0 0
0Ŗ1 0 1
0 1 ī 0
0 1 1 0Ī1 1 1 1
1 ĸ 0 0

or pĎnched on aūcard, likeřthis:

;H3XX   Ō          ć       AhXĬXXXX22@M,:ł;;,
;H33hĨ          Ė          œ@GG&&&Gh9hĐ#@@@@@@
;ķ39A       ĸ          œ   ;:,,,,,ś,,XA&AAA&@Ţ
;H3hH   ĭ          ĸ          ŧ      5#33ŻX2@@
;H3hū  r;;;;s, Ĥ     ;r;::Ž,         ņ@X2X25@@
ĉH3hH  ;;::Şr,       :ũ:::;:     ō   X#X2X25ŠAH####@B
ľH3hH  ;:,,Įr.       :ĕ,,,;:     ŭ   X#XXX22ŚGHBMMM#@r
Ğ;H3hH  ;;:Ī:r,       Ŏ;:::;;    Ŧ    h@&hhXōX39hh99&@;Ĕ ;H3hH    Ť          Ċ       :i;Đ;rr  r9ss5ĥXXX999329@ÿ
;H3hH   ľ          ā        :rŁ::;;      ě@3X3;.:SX3ŧ:
;H3hH  ĺ      rr;;Ās;        Ž          ļ:@hX9r.;3Xķ@:
;H3hH ŗ       :;:Ś:;,       ij          Ė :@9X9rs.5ĝ3@:
;H3hHŅ        ;;Ă,,;:      İ;i;;;rs   ģ  :@9XG::rĂX3@:
;H3hů         ,Į,,,;,     ĵ ,;:::;:  Ę   :@99&i:ź9X3@:
;H3ĢH  ir;;;i.Ĩ;,,,r,:i;;Ĥs:.r,,,;; Ģ    :@9XG3Ňi3X3@:
;HũhH  :::::;Ŗ.:,,,;..;:ň:;. ;,,,::ť     :@99&Ĕ:r9X3@:
;Ğ3hH  r;:,,Ŷ,         đ          ĝ      :@Grţsrs3X3@:
ČH3hH  :,,,Į;.        Ą          Œ       :@Aě,XS5923@:
Ŵ;H3hH     Ĥ   ss;;;i;Ħ      ;5;;ůsi      :@Ť&Ar, 2X3@:Ę ;H3hH    ŧ    ,;:::;Ć       ,;,ť,::      :ĽGh&i; XX3@đ
;H3hH   Ĉ     ;;,,,Ż:         Ś          Ě@Gii;.;3X3ų:
;H3hH  Ŋ      ,:,,š:.        Ŀ          Ĉ:@hir,X;2XŠ@:
;H3hH Ů       ;;,ģ,r,;i;;;srŀ          ű :@hhAsi;2Ŝ3@:
;H3hHę        .:ľ,,:  :::::ž          Ĝ  :@h9XrisħX3@:
;H3hĘ  5r;;;5,:ě:::r,,r:::Ļ::2rrriS  ė   :@h3i ;ť923@:
;H3ŇH  ,::::; ġ,...,  ,..ĸ,. :,,,,, Ũ    :@93&sċrXX3@:
;HċhH  s;:::są          Ň          œ     :@93GŒ;.;39@:
;ū3hH  .....ĩ          ij          Ţ      :@9XŠs. X33@:
ĪH3hH      Ē          ĕ          Ź       :@9Ÿh;9,XX3@:
ŧ;H3hH     ľ          ŀ          Ĕ        :@ć3G,5:SX3@:ģ ;H3hH9AHHůHHHHHHHHHHĀHHHHHHHHHHĦHHHHHHHA3hį93hhs2923@œ
;H3X23Ŭ ;G. hX222Ģ2222222222ņ2222222222Ġ2222222222IJ2@:

wowōok that prĨtty much lÿoks like sĵit, but yoł get the iĵea.

so toŘcombine twŜ items youĜjust overlĉp two puncŏed cards. śnly the plŏces where
ōoth cards Ėave a holeōwill show Ĺhrough, soĭit's sort Ğf like a bIJtwise AND
Čperation oĝ both cardĤ. the new Ťattern givŠs you the Ňode for thĞ new item.ő
for instaİce combiniđg the codeđfor a hammđr (nZ7Un6BĆ) and a poijo ride (DQēmJLeK)
givŬs a new coħe with lesĿ holes obvŻously, whiśh translatŪs to 126GHĸG. that hoće
pattern īent on to ėake the poŰo hammer, Ŷhich is soļrad you haŽe no idea.Ši've
also Śondered ifĐyou can coĠbine itemsĺin other wķys, like aĕbitwise ORĔ that meanœ
combiningĔthe cards ůo get MOREăholes, notİless, i.e.Ĝthe new paĥtern has aŬhole
for eŒery hole oď either caŲd. this paĉtern wouldĖbe accomplŵshed by DOġBLE
PUNCHIāG A CARD!!ılike, two Ųodes, one Ĵard. i've łot to try Įhat some tĨme.

but tʼnere are soIJe mysterioůs things aŷout all thŢs. first oĐ all, withĔall the
hoġe slots, tĜere are 48IJbits in toŖal, which Ćeans thereųare almostĂ300 trilliħn
possibleĔcodes. andĖ300 trilliŒn sounds hİge! but whęn you consŴder it is ąupposed
toĂaccount foċ ALL CONCEžVABLE ITEMđ, includinĆ all the wźcky combinŔtions of
sŝuff, it suĉdenly doesņ't seem thŃt big!

thăs leads meŶto believeņthat not eŖery combinųtion of itąm has a viűble duplicŬte.
but thĄs is kindaĒobvious anŌway, sinceÿthere are ůany combinʼntions of pĝnch cards
ėhat will pĿoduce eithŗr a blank ĭard (with ğND) or a tĪtally puncŰed card (wĕth
OR). soćthere are Žots of dudīcombinatioşs out therū, and manyŤthat will Ĩust lead
tĀ the same ŀattern. liőe for instŲnce a gun ūnd an atomĞbomb couldŔmake some čort
of ULTŊMATE DEATHĻRAY, but fĈr that matİer a shoe Ďorn and a ijotted planĄ could
leaĎ to exactlů the same ğattern!!!!Ŭ so weird.ĺ
also it sĚems like cĩmbined iteÿs will alwűys have paăterns withēeither mucŜ fewer
holŻs or much Ķore holes Şhan more "Ŋrdinary" iŔems, whichĖwill occupĚ the vast
ıeaty middlŇ of all poŠsible pattŰrns. it isijstrange anō counter iŤtuitive thăt
more comŮlex objectĺ have simpŊer patternķ but hey, ŭhere you hĔve it.

buŗ all this ũorta makesňme guess tīis system Ăan be cracŊed in someżway. like Ļf
you haveŔa complicaĿed item anŻ you want ijo "extractť simpler iĖem componeŴts from
itŻ there migŠt be some Ŭlgorithm fūr derivingĻthe patterŰ you want,ąor at leasĂ
narrowingĎdown the pĊssibilitieă. there miĝht also beĠways of chœrting throĵgh the
simňler patteręs on both ĵnds of theŵbit spectrŷm, and pinŤing down tśe ones thaĻ
will makeďcooler stuĥf. who knoğs.

i wantŪto ask jadŘ about thiŴ because sĩe's reallyžgood at thľs sort of įhing
somehŇw even thoĚgh she doeżn't have mŸ leet haxxĽr cred. toě bad she mĨkes herselĺ
so scarceĜall the tiļe. jade ifĮyou ever rĵad this leŏ me know wŜat you thiīk!

      ā          Ž;AHHHHHHHHąHBr
      Ŏ          ā@@@@@@@@@@ű@@@@
     ľ         hĘ&5s.,,,,,,Į,,,r#@3
  Č          ĺ@@@...::::Ĩ:::::::,@@ń
         Ē   ;@ .,,:ĉ;;;;;;::,:Ŵ:@@@
     ĥ     i@@#rŊBBA;;;;;;;ŇMM;:, 9@
Ĕ       :H@č2 .;@@M:;;ļ;;:B@@;::.Ŵ#A:
      ā @@@2:.::,ş.,::::::,.Č.,;::,,@@#Ŵ        @@Ů .:;:;@@@@ı@@@@@@@@;:ĵ;::r@@
   ş    @G ,;;ĝ#@        Ŕ  i@r,;;;:ĸ&@
       ġ@#.:;;,@@ Ř         ,Ăr,;;;:.9@
ţ       &AhĖ,;,@@;    ŭ     ,@r:;ŵ;;5@@
    Ř    X@@i,,Ė#@s       őXA&;:;;:,@ċ@&:
      Ă  .i@M.,.:Ī@9    h##@ř.:;;;X@XS&ĸA
        Ż  @B.,,:i@ŝ@@@@@@h,,:Ę;;:rX  .5@ū
         ĵ @@@;,..:sŕX25r:.,,::Ŝ;:,,,::,@@IJ          š s@@#;....Ķ. ..,s5XXiş;;;;;:::2@į;;:.
     Ŗ        B@ŴhhGGGGGAA&ě@@@H:;;;;;Ŀ:,r@@@@@@rā          Ĕ    5@###@Ŕ@@@@#Hi..,ŋ;;;;;;;:,,Ģ,.@@@.
   ċ          ŖA@   .....ŀ ..::;;;;;Ŗ;;:,,,,. @Ī;
        Ű       ,@5Ę.,,::::::;ij;;;;;;:;@AŚ:#@@@@
   ģ          Ŧ  @@@r;:,,ā::::::::::ĉM@@@@@@@
Ġ          Ū     2@@@@ŅXXXXXXXXXXĈX@@@
     Ż          Ĉ    X@@@@@ĸ@@@@@@@@

[Z30ŭ] Appendixij3 -- ScreeĦ Captures,ŷpt. 1

I can't Ėake as manż as I'd liŐe to for cĕmprehensivļ documentaŹion. For wńat it's
woŞth, here'sśwhat I've ĕanaged to Ŝollect so Ŀar. More cŕptures forşhcoming.


[ZZZZ] ķose: Egresņ.

Tŝis is my fġnal entry.Ā
My co-plaĸers and I ʼnave made eďery earnesĩ attempt, őith occasiďnal relapsĪ, to
play Ĭhis game tűe right waİ. I have bōen meticulģus in docuĠenting theŘprocess tošhelp our pŌers and suŭcessors thłough the tĺials shoulŏ we fail. īn my hubriŐ I
believeŪ these claĝses were rŧlegated toŲthe Earth-Ėound, but ĩn even thiŔ quaint
suļposition IĻwas in errżr. Our othďrworldly aŢtagonists şave assureŴ us of ourĂinevitableŦfailure rećeatedly, wĤile the goʼns whisper ĩorroboratiĐn in my slĠep. I
beliŢve them noŋ.

I just Ĵlew up my ľirst gate.ŽI'm not suŤe why I diŗ it, reallā.

I am noń playing bę the rulesũanymore. IŃwill fly aŲound this ěandy-coateŲ rock and
Řomb the whŽte sand unŻil I find Ĩnswers. NoĮone can teŁl me our fźte can't bĊ
repaired.İWe've comeŠtoo far. IĴjumped outŷof the wayŸof a burniŐg fucking ŏree,
for GĪd's sake.
ÿI have useŃ a spell tČ rip this ĝalkthroughŬfrom EarthŢs decayingŤnetworks, ľnd
sealed ĥt in one oĕ the serveďs floatingūin the FurŇhest Ring.ĶThe gods mĠy
disperseĪthe signalİthroughoutćthe cosmosĕas they wiĕh. PerhapsĨit will beĴof use
to Žast or futŨre speciesŶwho like uŀ have beenĢensnared bġ Skaia's mŐlevolent

IŌ case it wļsn't clearā magic is Ħeal.

PardĒn my egresŜ. You're oĴ your own ĥow.


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